Sunday, November 20, 2005

Who do you believe

Who do you believe?

Now it was my intension to stay away from politics with this blog but as the days go on I become more and more insulted by the actions of our government. Yep I know I may or may not have voted for them, but by there actions I feel insulted. Might even have a case for compensation under the Human Rights Convention, hell everyone else is using it. For everything from softer beds in jail to becoming sweaty and hot in a prison van.

What has really got up my goat today is that this/our government deny bringing a NANNY STATE to this country. So what if I want to smoke, so long as I do not injure others in my pursuit of this. What’s it got to do with them, the cost to the National Health Service they say?

Crap it’s the smokers of this country who by virtue of their taxes have more than paid for the so called National Health Service.

All of a sudden its bad for you to go out drinking, I’m a teetotaller but I respect anyone’s wish to go out and have a drink or even serveral so long as they do so in a manner which will only harm themselves if they go to far.

First it was RED meat, clogs up your arteries. So the government says eat less of it. What they do not say is that they demand the farmers put all sorts of chemicals into the cow before its slaughtered.

Then it was eggs, they had to be cooked to destroy Salmonella. Fine but once you do that there is no taste to them. One of Natures Pre-Packed Convenience foods ruined by, well you know who.

Hey lets not forget this is England, home of the spanking fetish, so what do our government do. Right make it illegal to spank your children. But and here’s the rub will it apply to MP’s as well or are they like most things except from the laws of the land?

Just do not get me started on those bloody speed cameras that they have put up every where they are likely to make money, notice I do not say save life’s. If it was for that I could live with them. But no one believes that anymore. Might as well put one in our cul-de-sac. I can promise you that you will catch young Justin every time he turns into the cul-de-sac (boy racer that he is).

Sorry I have strayed of the track so to speak, drags self back to the reason of this post.


I have worked and paid into my UK.PLC pension pot for the last 39 years. I paid into a private pension for 24 years. I have saved hard for a very long time and thought (foolish me) that in a very few years I could retire and write foolish drivel on the internet, But what do the leaders of our country come up with now? They want me to carry on working till I’m 67. Sod that. Fair notice, in a few years time I’m going to become a Member of Parliament. Work for one term of office, milk my expenses for all they are worth and then retire with a bloody wonderful pension. JUST LIKE THE REST OF THE MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT.

You just have to read this.
Your details are sold to car park extortionists

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