Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Wow another Sunday, all ready to destroy my illusions of a day of excitement. What happened, well waking up was exciting but after that the day has so far gone to pot. I have the following things to look forward to today.

Shopping, we need to eat.
Ironing, need some shirts for next week.
Washing, last week’s shirts. Why does my wife not believe me when I say these things are meant to be carried out by the woman of the house?

Hey, but it’s not all bad. I need to buy some Christmas Presents. Once again I will end up paying good money (there no such thing as bad money) to buy things for people that I don’t like and the things that I buy will not be what they want. Still I have the pleasurable thought that they will have to do the same for me.

Just before I wander of to the great and wonderful Asda I thought I would have a quick look around the web.

What did I find, a wonderful example of the have and have not's. Someone can afford £3,000,000 to buy a plot of land and a further £1,000,000 to knock down the bungalow on it and build a new house. Bloody hell £4,000,000. It took me 12 years to pay of my mortgage of just £15,745. I work hard and put in long hours. Why should some people have so much more than others (never mind more than the others what I really mean is more than ME).

Man, I wish I had never brought that reclining chair, its stolen more of my time than my employers, I no sooner sit in it pull the lever on the side then hours disappear, I’m out like a light. Yet another fine example of a wasted Sunday. Still when I woke up I thought a nice cup of tea and some chocolate biscuits (the wife had gone to bed) what happens? She wakes up in time to drink my tea and eat the last of the chocolate biscuits.

One thing, the weather here in Cornwall has been superb today, one of those rare winter days when the air is crisp and clear. The light shining on the trees which were losing their leaves (all the colors of the rainbow). But I have great hopes that tomorrow things will be back to normal, rain, wind, dirty grey sky. After all mankind is not supposed to be happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Grumpy Old Man.Today I had a lie on in bed, as did my husband. I then got up and prepared his breakfast, and took it up to bed for him.I scratched his back for about 1/2 hour and rubbed deep heat into his hurt shoulder and also used the heated vibrating thing on the shoulder for around 20 minutes.Later in the morning, we went for a drive in the mercedes.

We lunched at Trewhiddle, walking past the crowd at the bar, and queue jumped the whole lot by going to the side bar (ha ha). Lunch was superb.

After a little snooze in the arm chair, hubby then played on the computer for a few hours, starting with the page of 1920's Rolls Royces that I had ready on the screen for him.I made hubby some fresh beef and salad sandwhiches with lots of mustard for tea, with fresh home made apple pie for afterwards. While he was eating his apple pie, watching his choice on the TV, I was rubbing moisturising cream into his feet, and generally giving his feet and lower legs a pamper session.I have taken him various drinks, chocolates and snacks when ever he has asked, and even when he has not.I have administerd the deep heat at various times of the day, making sure to use the deep heat stick, so that there where not any fumes in the air that might affect his breathing.I am about to place a hot water bottle in the bed on his side, so that it is nicely warm when he comes to bed.

His nice clean warm jimmy jams are already warming on the radiator.He has had his back scratched for 1/2 at a time on at least 4 occassions today.Hubby says that he is having a good day, but it was no real difference to any other Sunday!

How was your Sunday?

PS I bet this appears on the grumpy web pages under 'Unfair treatment'