Friday, November 25, 2005

Mobile Telephone Contracts

Mobile Telephone Contracts

Now as you may have guessed I’m a bit of a gadget junkie, ever since I had my first Psion (16K, built like a brick). I hate to think how much hard cash I have spent over the past 15 years on these gizmos; looking at the bookcase I can see a Psion, Fitjtos and an Ipaq, All in use at any one time.

About three years ago I moved to a smart phone, the first was a Sony Erickson T610 which I have to say was very good. Its main failing as far as I was concerned was its screen size. Apart from that it was excellent, as they say it did what it said on the box. In fact my brother in law is still using it.

Then Twelve months ago I moved to a Nokia 6600, what a unit this was. The screen is larger, the email facility is excellent, it uses the symbian operating system so third party bits and bobs worked and worked well. The only niggle that I had and still have is that it’s so useful I stopped carrying my camera with me. The images from this telephone are not good. But it’s so small, and who wants to carry a big bulky camera with them. So the solution is obvious to me, I need a PDA that thinks it’s a phone or a phone that thinks it’s a PDA.

After an exhaustive search I found just what I was looking for the Orange SPV M500, so as my contract expiries today I telephoned them to get one, sorry they say you can only have that handset with our small business users contracts, I pointed out it was still up on their web site on offer for normal contracts. But they would not budge, so it looks like I will have to accept there offer of an SPV C550 on a Two weeks trial. I do not think I could use a standard mobile anymore.

However why do people or company’s, YES ORANGE I MEAN YOU. Advertise one thing and then refuse to allow you to take up there offers. Is a web site any different than a shop window? If it’s advertised of sale or on contract then it should be honoured. Not flob of your customers with something however good it may be that they did not want.

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