Friday, November 11, 2005

Tefllon Tony

Interesting day on the way to work this morning listening to the radio in the car, there was a 107 year old man who is one of the last 7 soldiers left alive from the First World War. When asked if he thought war could be justified he said, if two governments could not agree and had to go to war then the government members should be given rifles and be made to fight between themselves. In that way whole generations of young men would not lose there life’s. If the members of governments had to fight the wars they start then just how many wars would there be, very few I think. Precious skins and all that.
Found this on the web this evening, I just have to share it with you all. “CHANCES are Tony Blair will still be the Prime Minister in 90 days time. He might no longer be coated in a layer of Teflon, but he's sure to carry on - not least of all because he sees no reason for leaving.” Poor old Teflon Tony, you are looking past your sell by date, if you stay much longer then you will be sold of cheap!

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