Saturday, November 19, 2005

Inconsiderate Parking

Inconsiderate Parking

Just what is it that turns nice people into inconsiderate morons when they are behind the wheel of a car? I live in a cul-de-sac, which has allotted parking spaces for the residents and a number of visitor bays.

So what’s so bloody wonderful about my parking bay, notice the use of the word MINE, I worked for it, I own it, its mine, so stay the hell out of it. But people think that because it’s empty they have the right to leave their car in my parking bay with impunity. Well their wrong.

Why should I have to park at the far end of the cul-de-sac in a visitor bay just because they are too lazy to read the signs/or walk.

I’m always polite, when I point out this to the morons; well I am the first time. But get progressively ruder as the number of times increase.

I have heard all the reasons.

“I will only be a few minutes”, then park in the visitors bays.
“We thought you were not home”, does the bay stop belonging to me if I’m not home.
“But there’s plenty of room, park over there”, why should I and that belongs to one of my
neighbours. Should I steal their parking place because you have taken mine?

I believe this is just an example of the way people live there life these days. Everything is rush, the pace of life is horrendous. Well I live in a rural location in Cornwall, not in some big city.

If I want to take my time and live a sensible life I should not have to accommodate these morons. Take shopping in the supermarkets. It’s dangerous these days, even the little old ladies will have your ankles off with the end of their trolleys if you do not jump out of the way. Women with children are the worst of all.

Yes they are having to cope with the shopping and the children, but here’s the rub I did not make them pregnant so their children are not mine so why should I have to suffer their noise and rudeness.

The faces of these people when you explain that the edge of the trolley they have just hit you with hurts and would they like it if you returned the assault. Because if you do not tell them and out loud you will never get an apology, that’s when you hear the drivel about how hard it is to go shopping with the children and that’s when I tell them their not my children. ITS ONE OF THE PERKS OF LIFE TO SEE THEIR FACES.

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