Thursday, November 24, 2005

Life after Work

Life after Work

Is there a life after work? Well I always thought there was. After paying in to our National Insurance System for the past Thirty Six years I was like many in this country under the impression that my contributions would ensure that I had a reasonable standard of living when I come to retire. Wrong.

Screwed yet again by our government. Just what is it that makes our government leaders and top bosses think that they can retire on grossly inflated pensions whilst the workers who have slaved away to provide them with the means to accumulate their money get next to nothing. On average they retire on a pension of Twenty Six times the size of ours. How ever I have to say that some novel ways have been thought of to bring everyone’s attention to the shambles that this has become.

The other political parties are no better just read the rubbish that the Lib Dems have come up with. Might it not be a good idea if the pensions given from the public purse for Members of Parliament be WITHDRAWN     , LET THEM TRY AND MANAGE ON THE PITANCE OF A STATE PENSION, IN FACT LET THEM DO SOME BLOODY WORK TO QUILIFY FOR IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

It’s enough to make you want to spit, sorry I forgot Teflon Tony and his mates would fine me for doing that in a public place.

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