Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Lucky Escape

If we had elected the liberal dems we may have ended up with a drunken prime minister.

Think of the problems this might have caused.

He might

Declare an illegal war.

Think ID cards are a good idea.

Charge us twice for the collection of our rubbish.

Think he looks cool in a pair of flowery shorts, without a shirt, drinking his beer.

Think that having a child while he is in office makes him look human.

Become George Bush's pet.

Spend more time in the House of Commons discussing vermin control than an illegal war.

Think he can get away with buying property and not declaring it.

Offer rich people honors as a reward in return for sponsoring his party.

Keep appointing his friends to high government posts, no matter how many times they prove publicly that they are crooked/not up to the job.

Take away his deputy’s duties but keep him on full pay when said deputy is caught shagging secretary.

Making sure his best buddy ends up with a cushy job in Brussels when the buddy gets caught for the third time.

Allow his wife to profit (via books and lecture tours) on the fact that she is married to the prime minister.

Allow his family to except free holiday after free holiday from aging rock stars.

Believe his blind minister when he says 'I have not been seeing another man's wife.

Ensure that those of us in rural areas pay premium for our modes of transport while he took private jets.

Get the health service in so much debt that it is in danger of collapsing.

Make sure his offspring get cushy jobs with people with influence.

Steal money from pension funds.

Steal so much money from pension funds that people who expected to be able to retire in their 50s, now have to work until 70 or until they die.

Appoint a minister for planning who just happens to have a son who is a developer, who just happens to find large green field sites to build on when no-one else can.

Allow so many immigrants into the county, that the indigenous population is too scared to leave their houses.

Allow so many immigrants into the county allow them to commit crimes and do not deport them.

Confiscate houses from people who are working abroad, in homes etc coz the house has been empty for 6 months, and them letting them out at a peppercorn rent, with the owner of the house getting nothing but a bill for restoring the house at the end of seven years.

Lock up pensioners for lack of council tax payments while letting his deputy off on the same offence.

Lock up pensioners for petty crimes such as stealing food or non payment of TV licenses while allowing rapists/murders to go free.

Allow burglars to break into houses and then lockup the owners who defend themselves.

When a burglar has hurt himself 'on a job' allow said burglar to sue the householder for 'loss of earnings!

Try and ban full fat milk as he does not understand that full fat milk only contains 4% fat.

Thank heavens we did not elect a drunken prime minister. What a state this country would be in.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Follow up to bugs in the bins.

Even more councils are coming to light, remember its just the tip of the iceberg. RFID tags are in the food packages in supermarkets, in the clothes you buy in the high street and now in your bins.

I wonder where next. Implanted under our skins?

Click here for the latest stories. and here .

And here for my coments and here and here.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Germans plant bugs in our wheelie bins

You can not say I have not warned this is coming, this and many other uses of these infernal little things (RFID tags). Please read the story below its a link to the Daily Mail web site.

Electronic spy 'bugs' have been secretly planted in hundreds of thousands of household wheelie bins.

I was thinking in the throne room this morning (I’m sure you can work out just what room the throne room is) I have many of my most brilliant flashes of inspiration whilst sitting on the throne. Is it just me or can not people see what is happening to them, I have spent the weekend with my brother. He is a lot like me. But he was going on about recycling.

Now don’t get me wrong I think there is a place for the recycling of the rubbish of this world. Let’s start with Politicians then move onto the morons who want to invade our/my privacy all in the name of "the people" or "civilization". If you read the item/link above you will see that several councils in this country have covertly installed spy bugs in the dustbins that the rate payers of their districts have to use.

Is this the tail wagging the dog? After all are not councilors there to represent the voters and are not council employees there to represent and give value to the people who pay their salaries via the council tax.

Now I transgress, just what has triggered this almost holy crusade of my older and undoubtedly uglier brother. Has he in his 56th year on this earth become green over night? Or has he as I suspect become a victim of the relentless barrage of mind twisting spin that has become the norm these days from everything from what we eat what we drink what we smoke to who we have sex with.

NO way he is so much like me that I’m sure that in some way he has been got at!!! After all he has the same attitude to things that I have, HE NORMALLY COULD NOT GIVE A SHIT.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Fat Cats and for once NOT a MP

Just how is Teflon going to shaft Gordon

Now I know that I have a weird sense of humor but sitting here thinking, I do wonder just how Teflon Tony is going to shaft Gordon Brown.

Will he leave our once great country in tatters and embroiled in conflicts overseas, in debt to his mate George Bush. With taxes and national pride flowing into the sewers.

Or will he try to drown Goody Gordon; no he will not do that. With the cost of our water bills only the rich can afford to drown in fresh water.

Come on if you read this give me your ideas. Because nothing is clearer in my mind than he will try.

Inheritance tax

Former cabinet minister Stephen Byers has called for inheritance tax to be scrapped and replaced.

Have you ever noticed that the rich people always manage to pay fewer taxes than the poor; it’s because of all the crafty lawyers that they employ. After all can anyone spend more than a certain amount? Let’s say £1,000,000 the tax man should get all amounts above that. Then the rich might spend some more of their money whilst they are alive and buy goods and services that might just help the poor stay in employment.

Home Secretary John Reid has gained almost as much UK media coverage in the past two weeks as John Prescott and Gordon Brown combined, a study claims.

Well what a surprise, I don't think. It has become blatantly obvious for months
just who Teflon Tony would like to take over the reins of power when he
retires/is thrown out. Never mind his gentleman’s agreement with Goody Gordon,
only a fool would expect a politician to keep their word or do anything straight
and above board.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Are they a pair of Idiots?

What can anyone say.
Is Bush an Idiot

Well look at the video and make up your own mind.

Security 'bad news for sex drive'

A woman's sex drive begins to plummet once she is in a secure relationship, according to research.

Well you do not have to be a researcher to know, this just a married man!!!!!!

Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott has denied saying the Bush administration had been "crap" on the Middle East road map - the plan for peace in the region.

What I can not understand is why he is denying he said it. IT’S
TRUE. The American people as some of the nicest I have ever meet, they are warm and helpful have a deep sense of family and pride. But their politicians are the same as ours here in the UK. CRAP comes out of their mouths and in their deeds and actions.

Yes John (2 jags) this means you as well as Teflon Tony and all of the other blood suckers who are draining this wonderful country of ours dry. For years now it’s been all noses in the trough drinking the life blood of this country dry. Now I’m not foolish enough to think that any other political party would be any different, may be slightly less sanctimonious (hopefully).

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Pissoirs may become an American target!

This was published in our local free newspaper this week. Its called the Truro Packet and can be relied upon to put a differant slant on the news in its letter page.

But I wish to nominate Peter Mahoney for a Pulitzer Prize....

The artical....

I'm very concerned by the news that Newquay has installed the first of three underground pissoirs.

Newquay's wee problem apart, I am afraid that with American spy planes traversing the globe and able to identify on the ground from a great height, the smallest of details, these pissoir installations could well be mistaken as underground launching sites for inter-continental, nuclear missiles. Given America's predilection - gung-ho, bomb it first, ask questions later, notwithstanding our current supposedly "friendly" connections with the US - Newquay is, in this respect, at potential grave risk.

Accordingly, should I ever feel the need to relieve myself whilst in north Cornwall, I certainly won't be going anywhere near these Newquay underground pissoir sites.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Stupidity sheer stupidity

We the ordinary people if the United Kingdom have suspected for many years that the Health and Safety laws of this country are a big pile of crap. Forced upon us by a mindless bunch of stupid morons.

But this story of a fire station being built with no fireman’s pole for health and safety reason is the worst example yet.

Fire chiefs in Devon have hit back at claims they built a new station without a pole for health and safety reasons.


Barmy fire chiefs came under a blaze of criticism today after they banned the traditional fireman's pole - because it posed a 'health and safety hazard'.

In one national newspaper a Fire Brigade Official states that the extra 20 seconds that it takes to use the stairs does not count as we still reach our government targets of attending incidents in less than 20 minutes.

I am not so vindictive as to wish his home catches fire and is destroyed because the firemen arrived 20 seconds too late. The idiot who thought this one up should be dismissed with no payment at once.

In fact if I had my way it would be far worst than that.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Having a Bad Day

Such is life.

Jeremy Clarkson

Most of us try to light up a room for two reasons: because it might result in some sex, or it might make us richer. Money and rumpy-pumpy are the twin engines powering everything we do.

It’s rare in life to find someone ho has the same outlook on life as yourself. But the more I listen
to and read from the ramblings of Jeremy Clarkson the more I think he must have modeled himself on me. Apart from the looks that is, it’s not his fault that I was at the front of the queue when good looks were passed out and he was at the back. Still someone had to be the module for the rear end of the London buses.

Take the comment above such a true statement (courtesy of the timesonline). I derive a great deal of pleasure in some of his comments. It’s a pity that he gets more money than I do but then again I work for mine he gets his for being such a pig headed tuss.

Control Freakery

Walter Wolfgang, the heckler ejected from last year's
Labour conference, has been elected to the party's ruling National
Executive Committee (NEC).

What a pity too much, too late. Only a mad man would put some one with vastly opposing views on there own controlling committee. It just shows how out of touch the people who control this and many other nations are with the "common" people.

In all truth we are not interested, in the starving people of other nations nor in the internal politics of oppressed states. All the "common” people are truly interested in is preserving and increasing there own style of life and possessions. Sure they might have the occasional pin prick of conscience when the news media present a horrific story but that pales into insignificance compared to the price of maintaining their standard of living.

In truth, I have nothing against people from any other nation, be they black, white or yellow. All I’m interested in is getting their oil, raw materials or labor cheaply. What do most of us worry if some one in Asia is working 80 hours a week for subsistence wages, so long as we can purchase their goods at a rock bottom price from our supermarkets?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Google Ads.

Wow, I added google adds to these pages the other day. At the time the lead bit of my ramblings was about snoring and I was very impressed that the ads were related to the article. However as with all things in life it does not take long for me to become disillusioned. The snoring ads are still there and the items have no relationship to snoring.

I just wish the wife did not know what snoring was. If there was a world championship she would be a world beater.

A penniless pensioner from west London paid for a life-saving heart operation with a fake cheque.

Retired painter and decorator Roy Thayers was facing a nine-month wait on the NHS to get an angioplasty. Instead, the 77-year-old wrote out a cheque for almost £9,000 for a private operation at Hammersmith Hospital - despite only having £10 in the bank.

Good on him, I would do the same, after all if it was a Member of Parliament or an Royal or even another doctor there would no question of waiting. It’s about time the ordinary people of this country stood up the the faceless morons who think they rule it. Well they are wrong. And if it takes an act like this to bring some common sense into there little tiny world then so be it.

Viewers who are offended by jokes on motoring show Top Gear must accept such remarks will remain "an integral part of the programme", the BBC has said.

Well now I am surprised, after all these years the BBC is finally showing some common sense and telling the winging gits who complain about one of the best television programs on the box these days to take a running jump. Might they be afrid that one of the independent channels might take the program format over along with the program presenters? What ever the reason, it’s nice to hear. After all if the program has only received 500 complaints in 6 months that’s nothing. I get that many from the wife in a week!!!!!!