Sunday, August 06, 2006

Control Freakery

Walter Wolfgang, the heckler ejected from last year's
Labour conference, has been elected to the party's ruling National
Executive Committee (NEC).

What a pity too much, too late. Only a mad man would put some one with vastly opposing views on there own controlling committee. It just shows how out of touch the people who control this and many other nations are with the "common" people.

In all truth we are not interested, in the starving people of other nations nor in the internal politics of oppressed states. All the "common” people are truly interested in is preserving and increasing there own style of life and possessions. Sure they might have the occasional pin prick of conscience when the news media present a horrific story but that pales into insignificance compared to the price of maintaining their standard of living.

In truth, I have nothing against people from any other nation, be they black, white or yellow. All I’m interested in is getting their oil, raw materials or labor cheaply. What do most of us worry if some one in Asia is working 80 hours a week for subsistence wages, so long as we can purchase their goods at a rock bottom price from our supermarkets?

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