Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Lucky Escape

If we had elected the liberal dems we may have ended up with a drunken prime minister.

Think of the problems this might have caused.

He might

Declare an illegal war.

Think ID cards are a good idea.

Charge us twice for the collection of our rubbish.

Think he looks cool in a pair of flowery shorts, without a shirt, drinking his beer.

Think that having a child while he is in office makes him look human.

Become George Bush's pet.

Spend more time in the House of Commons discussing vermin control than an illegal war.

Think he can get away with buying property and not declaring it.

Offer rich people honors as a reward in return for sponsoring his party.

Keep appointing his friends to high government posts, no matter how many times they prove publicly that they are crooked/not up to the job.

Take away his deputy’s duties but keep him on full pay when said deputy is caught shagging secretary.

Making sure his best buddy ends up with a cushy job in Brussels when the buddy gets caught for the third time.

Allow his wife to profit (via books and lecture tours) on the fact that she is married to the prime minister.

Allow his family to except free holiday after free holiday from aging rock stars.

Believe his blind minister when he says 'I have not been seeing another man's wife.

Ensure that those of us in rural areas pay premium for our modes of transport while he took private jets.

Get the health service in so much debt that it is in danger of collapsing.

Make sure his offspring get cushy jobs with people with influence.

Steal money from pension funds.

Steal so much money from pension funds that people who expected to be able to retire in their 50s, now have to work until 70 or until they die.

Appoint a minister for planning who just happens to have a son who is a developer, who just happens to find large green field sites to build on when no-one else can.

Allow so many immigrants into the county, that the indigenous population is too scared to leave their houses.

Allow so many immigrants into the county allow them to commit crimes and do not deport them.

Confiscate houses from people who are working abroad, in homes etc coz the house has been empty for 6 months, and them letting them out at a peppercorn rent, with the owner of the house getting nothing but a bill for restoring the house at the end of seven years.

Lock up pensioners for lack of council tax payments while letting his deputy off on the same offence.

Lock up pensioners for petty crimes such as stealing food or non payment of TV licenses while allowing rapists/murders to go free.

Allow burglars to break into houses and then lockup the owners who defend themselves.

When a burglar has hurt himself 'on a job' allow said burglar to sue the householder for 'loss of earnings!

Try and ban full fat milk as he does not understand that full fat milk only contains 4% fat.

Thank heavens we did not elect a drunken prime minister. What a state this country would be in.

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