Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I have been told once again that I'm a ranting idiot, not true. So very NOT true, I just happen to believe in certain things. Like my own rights.

I believe that I should have the right to live my life the way I want and not be dictated to by others. I do not care if people do not like the smell of cigarette smoke in my house, that's fine do not come in. Stay outside and see if it worries me.

I believe that I have the right to park on my own property and just because others are to lazy to walk they should not take my parking place.

I believe that I have the right to eat what I like when I like.

I believe that I have the right to spend my money how and where and when I like and not be dictated to by some face less moron who does or does not want me to buy "organic food", "clothes from un-ethnic sources"

I believe that Members of the Government and Public Bodies are my employees not the other way around, I pay their salary's so they should do as I tell them. We have become seriously twisted when we let the face less morons tell us what to do.

I believe that my employers are there to supply me with the money to enjoy myself and save money for the things that I want, I am not there for them to order me around or for them to give me work to do. I have checked my contract of employment and nowhere in that document is the word WORK mentioned!!!!

But if I have to Rant, the thing that pushes me over the deep end. Is the way people hand you your change when you pay for something with a note. They place the receipt, change (notes as well) all in a pile in your hand. Except you have the bloody items you brought in the other hand, so where are you going to put your change? These days I simply stand there until I have put my money and change away. Never mind if I create a queue.

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