Saturday, July 01, 2006

The NHS con.

Suspicions of full-scale NHS privatisation have been fuelled by a government advert apparently inviting firms to take control of NHS budgets.

Local health managers working for bodies called primary care trusts currently buy in services, although in some areas it has been devolved to GPs.

But adverts have gone out appearing to ask for firms to take on the role.

Well what a surprise, is this not something the people of Great Briton have been expecting. After all they have moved the goal posts so many times. Click here for what I said back in May.

The goverment keep sayying that things have got better and they are spending mone money than ever before on the NHS. I say that it should be called the un-national health service because it all depends on where you live or to be more exact your postcode.

Here in Cornwall one of our surgeons was ordered by the faceless morons who run our local health service to stop performing operations because he was preforming them well before the guidelines stated.

But in this country the twin perils of drink and stress are the things that are the most mis-understood by the NHS. So if you are over weight, drink and suffer from stress you are on your own. Never mind that you may have paid your National Insurance money all your working life.

I surpose that Im lucky. I have never been a big drinker (in fact I hate the smell of stale alchool on peoples breath, but I am over weight and have in the past suffered very bad stress. What did they do for me. Nothing a big fat zero.

And it will get a whole lot worst in the next few years (never mind who is in power) they the faceless ones will farm more and more of the NHS out to private firms, and the little bits that are left will be run into the ground over a period of time. The fun of telephoning your local surgery will increase to unbeleivable complexty, heres what happened to me a few months ago.

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