Thursday, May 25, 2006

Is this our next prime minister????

John Reid is to address an audience of top police officers for the first time as home secretary.
His speech is likely to focus on merger plans, under which the number of police forces in England and Wales could be reduced from 43 to as few as 17.

The Home Office has questioned Liberal Democrat advice to people to renew their passports now to avoid inclusion on the ID card database for 10 years. Anyone requesting new passports from 2008 will have their details stored on the National Identity Database.

The Home Office's top civil servant has said recent controversies, including over foreign criminals, have "inflicted immense damage" on his department. Sir David Normington told a police chiefs' conference recent events had "undermined confidence" in the Home Office's ability to protect the public. Earlier this week Home Secretary John Reid told MPs the immigration service was "not fit for purpose".

A "minuscule" quantity of cannabis resin has been found at the Scottish home of Defence Secretary John Reid. Mr Reid said the cannabis - worth less than £1 - was found in a guest room and police had told him it could have been there for years. "I have no idea where it came from, or when," the defence secretary said.

Rather like where have all the illegal immigrants gone, once again the answer is “NO IDEA”

Leader of the House of Commons John Reid was questioned by John Humphrys on Radio 4's Today programme on Wednesday about the row over evidence of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Here's the transcript of the interview.

John Humphrey’s: These rogue elements within the intelligence services. Who are they?
John Reid: Well, first of all can I just correct, because it is absolutely essential here as you keep saying that we have not only honesty but accuracy, let me just correct some of the things in your introduction. First of all, the implication that I referred at any stage, or we did, to spies, we didn't, or an MI6 plot, we didn't.
Well well did you or not ????????

Northern Ireland Secretary, John Reid (Saturday, 6 October, 2001)
After nine months in the job, the Northern Ireland Secretary, John Reid, is finally escaping the shadow of Peter Mandelson and Mo Mowlam. Dr Reid had a hard act to follow. Mr Mandelson and Dr Mowlam were - and are - two of the best known politicians in the United Kingdom. When John Reid took up residence in Northern Ireland in January this year, the reaction of most local people was: "John who?"
Funny that’s what the people in the Home Office are saying at the moment.

Now I realise that Teflon would like to pick his replacement and one does more than wonder just what he is going to use to try and screw his mate Gordon, but I would not mind betting that he is thinking about John Reid as a replacement.

Take my advice don’t. He might mislay the whole of the UK and not miss it.

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