Monday, July 31, 2006

Corruption in Public Places

At least 1,000 prison staff are corrupt, and more than 500 are in "inappropriate relationships" with prisoners, according to a leaked study.

Claims John Prescott could have broken anti-corruption laws by staying on US billionaire Philip Anschutz's ranch are being examined by Scotland Yard.

The Home Office is to review every asylum case which involved an employee accused by a newspaper of helping people remain in the UK for cash.

The immigration system is "shot through with incompetence and corruption" and should face a full independent inquiry, says Conservative Damian Green.

Just some of the news items found today, now I’m sure that there will be many investigations (whitewash's) which will drag out for many months and cost a fortune. But in the end it will be like a train or bus crash. We will only hear further about it if there is a little/small/unimportant person they can blame. Never do our Lords and Masters take the blame for what is after all their incompetence.

As a society we expect those in positions of authority and influence to act with integrity, or at least we hope that they will. However, in the mid-1990s there was a explosion in the amount of criticism of MPs for alleged `sleazy' behavior. Most of the complaints centered on MPs accepting remuneration for attempting to influence the Commons in ways that were of benefit to their secret paymasters, and not to their constituents as decency dictates.

This is the text of the Corruption Bill, as ordered by the House of Commons to be printed on 23rd May 2006.

Go on have a laugh, read it and see over the next year how our government obeys its own rules.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I Am Ready Mr Prescott

by Pam Ayres (allegedly).

I am ready Mr Prescott,

You can take me in your arms

All these years I’ve waited,

To experience your charms,

So fling aside those trousers,

I hope they’re quick release,

For all that hanky panky’s

Made you clinically obese.

I like a man of substance,

I like a man of size,

Especially when I’m measuring

The bags beneath their eyes.

If anyone insulted me

I have no doubt at all

You’d leap to my defence

And punch the blighter through the wall.

I like you Mr Prescott,

A constant watch I keep

To see you on TV

Sat next to Tony, fast asleep.

So I’m waiting Mr Prescott

My toothbrush in my bag,

To see your chiselled jaw

Behind the wheel of either Jag.

A man like you is dangerous

A man like you is trouble

Just like a row of houses

You demolish me to rubble

With one hand on the tiller

As steady as a rock

And the other disappearing

Up the secretary’s frock.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Freedom, what freedom

Wow now you can go to prision for making babies!

The Child Support Agency (CSA) is being axed, while
absent parents face being electronically tagged, under plans to be
announced by the government.

The British National Health Service, the same treatment for all. Sounds good but whats the reality?

Pressure for surgery to treat obesity is so high that
in some areas NHS lists are being closed to all but the most serious

To little, to late even here in Cornwall.

A hospital which was criticised in a report for "widespread institutional abuse" of patients is to close.

The way of things to come in our free socity, after all we do not live in a NANNY STATE.

Smokers lighting up at work, a pub or cafe could face
on-the-spot £50 fines from next summer, under rules for the smoking ban
in public places in Wales.

Soon I think we will be fined for not using the correct colour toilet paper. All for the glorifacation of Telon Tonys balmy cronies. But we do not live in a NANNY STATE.

An office worker says he will not pay a £75 fine for dropping a cigarette end in Llanelli town centre.

Now I could go on like this for hours, days even. But unlike the morrons who are running this country I have a life (at the moment until some faceless prat tries to introduce a rule to stop me brathing).

I think the finial word should rest with Teflon.

Debates over possible bans on smoking and smacking have raised the inevitable arguments about a nanny state

It is a charge more regularly aimed at Labour governments and - as with
so many other "Old Labour" tags - is one Tony Blair is eager to avoid.

Remember you can fool all of the people some of the time or some of the people all of the time but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

Monday, July 24, 2006


The noise of snoring is caused by turbulent airflow when a person breathes. The turbulence is caused by a partial blockage anywhere between the nose and the vocal cords.

Although the restriction may be there all the time it usually gets worse at night during sleep because the muscles of the tongue, throat and soft palate relax and the airway tone is reduced. Her breathing will be reduced if i do not get some sleep soon.

Snoring tends to occur more often in older people, possibly as the muscles become weaker. So thats why the wife snores.

Alcohol and sleeping tablets can also relax the throat muscles and exacerbate the problem. I've tried sleeping tablets for both her and me, but the only time they worked is when I hit her over the head with the bottle.

Being overweight can contribute, as can certain anatomical variations of the throat and nose, such as a low set palate or enlarged tonsils.

Sleeping on your back may make the snoring worse.

Snoring itself is not dangerous, but it may be associated with a condition called obstructive sleep apnoea, which can be.

There are certain things an individual can do to minimise the chance that they will snore - cut down on their alcohol intake, sleep on their side and maintain their ideal weight.

There are various devices available designed to stop snoring, such as nasal strips to open the airways and devices to reposition the jaw.

Some people may also want to try homeopathic nasal drops or sprays.

In more severe cases, surgery to the nose or throat may be appropriate. I can think of some form of surgery that can be performed which will give me a good nights sleep.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Bed sharing drains men's brains

Sharing a bed with someone could temporarily reduce your brain power - at least if you are a man - Austrian scientists suggest.

Well I can only say that trying to sleep in the same bed as she who must be obeyed has reduced me to a quivering wreck many times. How can something so sweet and innocent and quiet make so much noise when she sleeps, it must be the eight wonder of the world. Never mind how many times I push and shove her into different positions the snoring continues and as the night progresses the decibels increase.

Now scientist say that lack of sleep can make you fat. So does this mean that it’s the wife's fault that I’m overweight?

There must be a way to get good nights sleep whilst sharing the bed of your loved one, or in my case the wife. But I’m blowed if I know what it is. Do YOU, if so please let me know. Go on share your pearls of wisdom.

People in lower social classes are biologically older than those in higher classes, according to research.

Just what we always thought the rich have all the fun and the poor get the blame, now the buggers live longer as well. Life is so unfair. Take me for instance I have the looks of a sixty year old the body of an seventy year old the energy of an eighty year old and the mind and thoughts of a teenager. So why if I have the same thoughts now as I did forty years ago am I called a dirty old man?

Friday, July 21, 2006

PowerPoint joins in the rot.

Microsoft is warning Windows users about a virus that takes over PCs via the popular PowerPoint program.

Well what a surprise, it’s about time that PowerPoint joined its other family members (word, excel and access) after all they spread virus's and Trojan programs onto our computers in massive numbers. Problems is most of the funnies that end up in my inbox at work are PowerPoint presentations. Does this mean that from now on I will have to work instead of playing during my hours at work?

That’s just not fair; after all it’s taken me years to find a job where people think I’m working when in fact I’m playing. But reading the news item I suddenly began to think, this latest beast installs a key logger onto your PC, horror that might mean my employers would find out what I actually do. Not too bad for me but some of my colleges it would be horrendous. The bitch from hell and the master of the universe will be thunder struck at this thought. Having to work actually work for their vastly inflated salaries. It’s an insidious thought.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


NO2ID is a campaigning organisation opposed to the government's planned ID card and the National Identity Register.

They bring together individuals and organisations from all sections of the community and seek to ensure that the case against identity is forcefully put forward in the media, in the corridors of power and at grassroots level.

There is a link on rhe right hand side, please take a look. After all its your ID.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Joke virus warning.

If you receive a email titled "Bedtimes" delete it at once.

Do not open it .

Apparently this one is pretty nasty. It will not only erase everything on your hard drive, but it will also delete anything on disks within 20 feet of your computer. It demagnetizes the stripes on ALL of your credit cards. It reprograms your ATM access code, screws up the tracking on your VCR, and uses subspace field harmonics to scratch any CD's you attempt to play. It
will program your phone auto dial to call only 0898 numbers. This virus will mix antifreeze into your fish tank.

ALL your beer.


It will leave dirty underwear on the coffee table when you are expecting company.

If the "Bedtimes" message opened in a Windows 95/98 environment, it will leave the toilet seat up and leave your hair dryer plugged in dangerously close to a full bathtub. It will refill your skim milk with whole milk and put the caffeine back in your coffee.


And if you don't send this to 5000 people in 20 seconds, you'll fart so hard that your right leg will spasm and shoot straight out in front of you, sending sparks that will ignite the person nearest you.

Send this warning to everyone!!!


Right now, as you read this, 17 Million people are having SEX!!! And look at you - you're on the computer

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I have been told once again that I'm a ranting idiot, not true. So very NOT true, I just happen to believe in certain things. Like my own rights.

I believe that I should have the right to live my life the way I want and not be dictated to by others. I do not care if people do not like the smell of cigarette smoke in my house, that's fine do not come in. Stay outside and see if it worries me.

I believe that I have the right to park on my own property and just because others are to lazy to walk they should not take my parking place.

I believe that I have the right to eat what I like when I like.

I believe that I have the right to spend my money how and where and when I like and not be dictated to by some face less moron who does or does not want me to buy "organic food", "clothes from un-ethnic sources"

I believe that Members of the Government and Public Bodies are my employees not the other way around, I pay their salary's so they should do as I tell them. We have become seriously twisted when we let the face less morons tell us what to do.

I believe that my employers are there to supply me with the money to enjoy myself and save money for the things that I want, I am not there for them to order me around or for them to give me work to do. I have checked my contract of employment and nowhere in that document is the word WORK mentioned!!!!

But if I have to Rant, the thing that pushes me over the deep end. Is the way people hand you your change when you pay for something with a note. They place the receipt, change (notes as well) all in a pile in your hand. Except you have the bloody items you brought in the other hand, so where are you going to put your change? These days I simply stand there until I have put my money and change away. Never mind if I create a queue.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The NHS con.

Suspicions of full-scale NHS privatisation have been fuelled by a government advert apparently inviting firms to take control of NHS budgets.

Local health managers working for bodies called primary care trusts currently buy in services, although in some areas it has been devolved to GPs.

But adverts have gone out appearing to ask for firms to take on the role.

Well what a surprise, is this not something the people of Great Briton have been expecting. After all they have moved the goal posts so many times. Click here for what I said back in May.

The goverment keep sayying that things have got better and they are spending mone money than ever before on the NHS. I say that it should be called the un-national health service because it all depends on where you live or to be more exact your postcode.

Here in Cornwall one of our surgeons was ordered by the faceless morons who run our local health service to stop performing operations because he was preforming them well before the guidelines stated.

But in this country the twin perils of drink and stress are the things that are the most mis-understood by the NHS. So if you are over weight, drink and suffer from stress you are on your own. Never mind that you may have paid your National Insurance money all your working life.

I surpose that Im lucky. I have never been a big drinker (in fact I hate the smell of stale alchool on peoples breath, but I am over weight and have in the past suffered very bad stress. What did they do for me. Nothing a big fat zero.

And it will get a whole lot worst in the next few years (never mind who is in power) they the faceless ones will farm more and more of the NHS out to private firms, and the little bits that are left will be run into the ground over a period of time. The fun of telephoning your local surgery will increase to unbeleivable complexty, heres what happened to me a few months ago.