Saturday, July 22, 2006

Bed sharing drains men's brains

Sharing a bed with someone could temporarily reduce your brain power - at least if you are a man - Austrian scientists suggest.

Well I can only say that trying to sleep in the same bed as she who must be obeyed has reduced me to a quivering wreck many times. How can something so sweet and innocent and quiet make so much noise when she sleeps, it must be the eight wonder of the world. Never mind how many times I push and shove her into different positions the snoring continues and as the night progresses the decibels increase.

Now scientist say that lack of sleep can make you fat. So does this mean that it’s the wife's fault that I’m overweight?

There must be a way to get good nights sleep whilst sharing the bed of your loved one, or in my case the wife. But I’m blowed if I know what it is. Do YOU, if so please let me know. Go on share your pearls of wisdom.

People in lower social classes are biologically older than those in higher classes, according to research.

Just what we always thought the rich have all the fun and the poor get the blame, now the buggers live longer as well. Life is so unfair. Take me for instance I have the looks of a sixty year old the body of an seventy year old the energy of an eighty year old and the mind and thoughts of a teenager. So why if I have the same thoughts now as I did forty years ago am I called a dirty old man?

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