Monday, July 24, 2006


The noise of snoring is caused by turbulent airflow when a person breathes. The turbulence is caused by a partial blockage anywhere between the nose and the vocal cords.

Although the restriction may be there all the time it usually gets worse at night during sleep because the muscles of the tongue, throat and soft palate relax and the airway tone is reduced. Her breathing will be reduced if i do not get some sleep soon.

Snoring tends to occur more often in older people, possibly as the muscles become weaker. So thats why the wife snores.

Alcohol and sleeping tablets can also relax the throat muscles and exacerbate the problem. I've tried sleeping tablets for both her and me, but the only time they worked is when I hit her over the head with the bottle.

Being overweight can contribute, as can certain anatomical variations of the throat and nose, such as a low set palate or enlarged tonsils.

Sleeping on your back may make the snoring worse.

Snoring itself is not dangerous, but it may be associated with a condition called obstructive sleep apnoea, which can be.

There are certain things an individual can do to minimise the chance that they will snore - cut down on their alcohol intake, sleep on their side and maintain their ideal weight.

There are various devices available designed to stop snoring, such as nasal strips to open the airways and devices to reposition the jaw.

Some people may also want to try homeopathic nasal drops or sprays.

In more severe cases, surgery to the nose or throat may be appropriate. I can think of some form of surgery that can be performed which will give me a good nights sleep.

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