Friday, July 21, 2006

PowerPoint joins in the rot.

Microsoft is warning Windows users about a virus that takes over PCs via the popular PowerPoint program.

Well what a surprise, it’s about time that PowerPoint joined its other family members (word, excel and access) after all they spread virus's and Trojan programs onto our computers in massive numbers. Problems is most of the funnies that end up in my inbox at work are PowerPoint presentations. Does this mean that from now on I will have to work instead of playing during my hours at work?

That’s just not fair; after all it’s taken me years to find a job where people think I’m working when in fact I’m playing. But reading the news item I suddenly began to think, this latest beast installs a key logger onto your PC, horror that might mean my employers would find out what I actually do. Not too bad for me but some of my colleges it would be horrendous. The bitch from hell and the master of the universe will be thunder struck at this thought. Having to work actually work for their vastly inflated salaries. It’s an insidious thought.

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