Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Freedom, what freedom

Wow now you can go to prision for making babies!

The Child Support Agency (CSA) is being axed, while
absent parents face being electronically tagged, under plans to be
announced by the government.

The British National Health Service, the same treatment for all. Sounds good but whats the reality?

Pressure for surgery to treat obesity is so high that
in some areas NHS lists are being closed to all but the most serious

To little, to late even here in Cornwall.

A hospital which was criticised in a report for "widespread institutional abuse" of patients is to close.

The way of things to come in our free socity, after all we do not live in a NANNY STATE.

Smokers lighting up at work, a pub or cafe could face
on-the-spot £50 fines from next summer, under rules for the smoking ban
in public places in Wales.

Soon I think we will be fined for not using the correct colour toilet paper. All for the glorifacation of Telon Tonys balmy cronies. But we do not live in a NANNY STATE.

An office worker says he will not pay a £75 fine for dropping a cigarette end in Llanelli town centre.

Now I could go on like this for hours, days even. But unlike the morrons who are running this country I have a life (at the moment until some faceless prat tries to introduce a rule to stop me brathing).

I think the finial word should rest with Teflon.

Debates over possible bans on smoking and smacking have raised the inevitable arguments about a nanny state

It is a charge more regularly aimed at Labour governments and - as with
so many other "Old Labour" tags - is one Tony Blair is eager to avoid.

Remember you can fool all of the people some of the time or some of the people all of the time but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

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