Thursday, June 16, 2011
HTC Gingerbread farce but Samsung Owners are OK.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Prince Philip to 'slow down'
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
This is just plain WRONG
Television presenter Carol Vorderman has been singled out for her well-honed figure as she was named winner of the Rear of the Year award. It just wrong whilst Carol has a very nice rear (the front an't bad) she is not even in Pippa Middletons class.
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Scottish Power raises gas and electricity prices
How long before the other power suppliers raise there prices as well, if this continues then the normal working class of the UK are domed. I can see a corporate country being formed soon where you will work for food and board (and like it).
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Why do women do it to themselves.
I have just been out to the local supermarket for the weekly shop and have seem a sight which would drive me to drink. One of the ugliest women I have enter seen.
She was fat now I don't mean plump or well rounded I mean bloody fat. wearing a short summer dress that the rolls of fat were hanging out from beneath her arm pits, over the sides of the dress.
I could have handled that but not when almost every part of her enormous body was covered by tattoos. It was so gross I had to go and have a cup of tea to recover.
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Bloody Goverment
I have to own up I thought that Pinky and Perky would have fallen out by now and that this shambolic government farce would be over. But it all points to Perky (Clegg) the man can not see what is being done to him, castration and the political wastelands await him.
What a master stroke on behalf of the Conservatives (Pinkys lot) appear to be friends and get your own way and destroy your enemies for years to come.
Its no use Perky trying to throw his teddy out of the pram now by kicking up rough about the NHS, the British people have been told what to think and they now blame you and the bleeding heart liberals for the damage that has and will be done by Pinky and his heard.
In fact it can be said better in a video that by my words. Have a look here.
Old Age and the years
I'm wondering did I waste my life, what have I ever accomplished. Are these the thoughts that all people of my age have?
As if I care
Have just seen how long since I have up dated this blog wow, sad old git that I am. But trust me it will get better well at least thats what I say but who the hell believes me?
Not the wife that's for sure nor my boss.
Bugger them all is what I say, life is too short.