Monday, November 09, 2009

Todays new man.

Just what is a "New Man" in today's idiom. Is it a man who makes his wife a mug of tea in the morning when she wakes up and then prepares her lunch before he has his breakfast. Just to ensure that his wife will have some food that she can eat, whilst he is at work.

Is a "New Man" some one who comes home from work and ensures that his wife has eaten and then makes her a drink whilst he prepares their dinner?

Is a "New Man" someone who then bolts his food so that he does not have to watch his wife of 30 years eat her food.

Is a "New Man" someone who then hides in the kitchen doing the washing up of the dish's and tiding up whilst his wife eats her food?

Is a "New Man" some one who after he has done that cleans the home whilst his wife is watching soap operas on the television?

Is a "New Man" someone who then does the ironing for the washing he did the day before? And then sits down exhausted only to listen to how her day has been.

No he's not a "New Man" he's just a caring husband who's wife has developed uncontrollable tremors in both hands and because of this suffers from bouts of depression.

I could very easily stop work and become a full time carer, but then I would become trapped in an ever decreasing spiral. It would not be very long till I to fell into that black pit of despair that is waiting just around the corner for a "New Man" who is also carer.

I'm very lucky that at the moment I have a full time employment which is my only salvation, but why would I need saving from the woman I still love.

It's not her fault nor mine that we live in a country that is supposed to have an all encompassing health service. That must be one of the biggest laughs of all time. The British National Health service for people with depression and tremors and other problems does just not exist.

Funding cuts, no staff and management incompetence run rife. How can a day centre which should help my wife and others like her be closed because two staff have gone sick?

Two days a week for three hours that's all they supply but they are forever shutting it due to staff shortages. My answer to that would be get the lazy buggers out of their ivory towers and offices and if necessary roll up their sleeves and man the front line.

No I'm not a "New Man" I'm one pissed off loving husband almost at the end of my tether, but does anyone listen do they hell.

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

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