Saturday, June 04, 2011

Bloody Goverment

I have to own up I thought that Pinky and Perky would have fallen out by now and that this shambolic government farce would be over. But it all points to Perky (Clegg) the man can not see what is being done to him, castration and the political wastelands await him.

What a master stroke on behalf of the Conservatives (Pinkys lot) appear to be friends and get your own way and destroy your enemies for years to come.

Its no use Perky trying to throw his teddy out of the pram now by kicking up rough about the NHS, the British people have been told what to think and they now blame you and the bleeding heart liberals for the damage that has and will be done by Pinky and his heard.

In fact it can be said better in a video that by my words. Have a look here.

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