Sunday, November 08, 2009

Why do women nag?

If there is one question that all married men wish to know the answer to it's why do women "NAG".

I have a pet theory, that they start perfecting the art of nagging in their childhood, practicing the art form with dolls. Watch a young girl when she plays with her dolls, listen to her, carefully. She is practicing for her adulthood to make some mans life miserable.

The modern practice of boys playing with dolls is completely different they pretend they are solders, or super hero's or the like but females they practice "NAGGING".

Is it some form of self destruction that they thirst for from a young age or is it simply the way that their environment teaches them is the acceptable way to act? After all they look at the older members of their sex for guidance and use them for role models so is it a mothers fault that their daughters turn out to be "NAGGERS"?

It must be an art form, because they are so practiced at it. The ability to hide the mastery they have of the art until they have trapped some poor male into a relationship can only be understood by some one who has been on the receiving end of what if it was practiced by a government would be called physiological torture.

When you first enter into a relationship with a female she has the ability to hide her mastery of this ancient and dishonorable art, but as time goes on she brings it out to achieve her own ends. Rather like a large cat all sleepy and docile until the time to pounce then the claws come out and rips the poor victim to shreds!

How can some thing so sweet and Innocent turn into such a destructive unreasonable unstoppable "NAGGER"?

I blame all of their older female parents , grandparents and siblings for perpetually teaching this art to their young sisters/ daughters.

It should be banned, like all other forms of torture!

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

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