Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pain and shock

I never knew just how painful going through a door could be! Is it old age that causes humans to become so fragile and doddery?

Yesterday she who must be obeyed managed to fall over coming in from the back garden when she entered the kitchen we think she caught her foot on the back door jamb. Pow like a super hero down she went.

Now we were lucky no bones were broken but that did not stop the phone calls to yours truely, giving advice to your loved one on the phone when the have just gone arse over tit is an experiance that I do not want to go through again.

From the first telephone call to the last it was clear that nothing was broken but that there were abrasions on her arms and legs. One has to be careful that one does not take it too lightly after all what is a husband for but to take the abuse for his beloved's problems?

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

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