Friday, November 06, 2009

Honour the living

There appears to be a debate on the local radio today about is it the highest honour a person can do to die for their Country. I suppose it's because it's Remembrance Sunday this weekend.

I would say the hardest thing a human being can do is to do LIVE for his or her country after all it's far easier to die than to live.

Most of us fight from the moment we are born, tooth and nail for our family our health and our wealth.

Many times in the dark hours when my mind has been in a turmoil or when she who must be obeyed has been unwell the thought of death has been in my mind it would have been so easy to allow these thoughts to become deeds and end it all.

How much easier to take a bottle of pills than to face the hash reality that you know the next day and then one after that will bring.

But you keep going on and on, facing the treadmill of life. Knowing with a grim certainty that no matter how hard you try tomorrow will just deliver another pile of the brown smelly stuff all over you.

Some people might think that I am a depressive, I'm not. I like to think that I'm a realist.

I do wonder how we will be remembered when we are gone , will we be missed? It's one of those silly questions that we all ask ourselves sometime, that is if we are honest.

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

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