Thursday, November 05, 2009


Beware of people who come in peace and friendship, try and help someone and before long they will shaft you. They may not mean to but it's human nature that they will.

We are going through a major change at work, 7 organisations are joining into one, fostered onto us by our previous employers who have since left under a cloud.

So to try and help and bring a degree of common sense yours truly broke a rule of a life time and opened his big mouth and volunteered. Big mistake. Since that day my life has changed from one of the best jobs in the world into WORK.

At times it can be a challenge, but not when you receive a 77 page document that needs to be read and commented upon by the next day. Mrs Fool was not a happy bunny last night as I was Reading the bloody thing until after Ten at night.

It's the way that employers trap you into their world that gets to me, several years of a good salary and you do not want to go back to being just one the the masses. But in the end you have to pay the pipers price by actually doing some work and make decisions, ones that whilst you can you wonder if you should?

A question, I live in a small cul de sac and over the past two weeks I have found two bottles of White Cider in my back garden (empty ones).

What should I do about it?

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

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