Friday, November 20, 2009

Back to the real world.

Oh well it's back to the real world today after four weeks of 10 am starts, this morning it's back to normal starting at 8 am. What a differance those two hours make.

Still it's children in need day so that means that if I pay a pound I can go to work in my jeans and tee shirt, not sure about the tee shirt it's too cold for that but I'm sure that I can manage a comfortable pullover.

I just wonder how much crap will have piled up for me in my abstance! Hopefully not too much.

The wind it do blow.

I have been reading that facebook thing and it seems that a lot of the people that I know have decided to go traveling, three of them are in Oz, seperatly.

One is in Hawili another is in the US of A. So what is the secreat, why am I stuck here in Cornwall where the wind is blowing like a demented thing. Have just been outside for a cigarette and almost got blown over whilst they lazing around in the sun.

It sucks. How do I get on this holiday roundabout that they are all on? Come on someone let me know, please.

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pain and shock

I never knew just how painful going through a door could be! Is it old age that causes humans to become so fragile and doddery?

Yesterday she who must be obeyed managed to fall over coming in from the back garden when she entered the kitchen we think she caught her foot on the back door jamb. Pow like a super hero down she went.

Now we were lucky no bones were broken but that did not stop the phone calls to yours truely, giving advice to your loved one on the phone when the have just gone arse over tit is an experiance that I do not want to go through again.

From the first telephone call to the last it was clear that nothing was broken but that there were abrasions on her arms and legs. One has to be careful that one does not take it too lightly after all what is a husband for but to take the abuse for his beloved's problems?

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

Flu jab and pain

Well on Saturday morning I went down to my doctors surgery for the swine flu jab, have already had the normal flu jab three weeks ago. This one is a bugger.

The nurse did warn me that the needle was bigger than normal but that the inoculations come as a single unit complete with syringe.

It took till yesterday (Tuesday) for the pain in my arm to stop, it felt like a nail was stuck in my arm and every so often some sadistic swine would hit it with a hammer. The pain was so bad that it made my wife decide that she would NOT have her jab even though she was offered it.

Does anyone know why the needles had to be bigger than the ones used for the normal seasonal flu vaccinations?

Still you have been warned.

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

So Depressed! (Joke honest)

I was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, the wars, Credit
Crunch, lost jobs, Savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc . . .

I called Lifeline.

Got through to a sodding call centre in Pakistan, and I told them that I
was suicidal.

There was a slight pause -- then they all got excited and asked if I could
drive a truck . . .

Content of an email received today.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Todays new man.

Just what is a "New Man" in today's idiom. Is it a man who makes his wife a mug of tea in the morning when she wakes up and then prepares her lunch before he has his breakfast. Just to ensure that his wife will have some food that she can eat, whilst he is at work.

Is a "New Man" some one who comes home from work and ensures that his wife has eaten and then makes her a drink whilst he prepares their dinner?

Is a "New Man" someone who then bolts his food so that he does not have to watch his wife of 30 years eat her food.

Is a "New Man" someone who then hides in the kitchen doing the washing up of the dish's and tiding up whilst his wife eats her food?

Is a "New Man" some one who after he has done that cleans the home whilst his wife is watching soap operas on the television?

Is a "New Man" someone who then does the ironing for the washing he did the day before? And then sits down exhausted only to listen to how her day has been.

No he's not a "New Man" he's just a caring husband who's wife has developed uncontrollable tremors in both hands and because of this suffers from bouts of depression.

I could very easily stop work and become a full time carer, but then I would become trapped in an ever decreasing spiral. It would not be very long till I to fell into that black pit of despair that is waiting just around the corner for a "New Man" who is also carer.

I'm very lucky that at the moment I have a full time employment which is my only salvation, but why would I need saving from the woman I still love.

It's not her fault nor mine that we live in a country that is supposed to have an all encompassing health service. That must be one of the biggest laughs of all time. The British National Health service for people with depression and tremors and other problems does just not exist.

Funding cuts, no staff and management incompetence run rife. How can a day centre which should help my wife and others like her be closed because two staff have gone sick?

Two days a week for three hours that's all they supply but they are forever shutting it due to staff shortages. My answer to that would be get the lazy buggers out of their ivory towers and offices and if necessary roll up their sleeves and man the front line.

No I'm not a "New Man" I'm one pissed off loving husband almost at the end of my tether, but does anyone listen do they hell.

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Why do women nag?

If there is one question that all married men wish to know the answer to it's why do women "NAG".

I have a pet theory, that they start perfecting the art of nagging in their childhood, practicing the art form with dolls. Watch a young girl when she plays with her dolls, listen to her, carefully. She is practicing for her adulthood to make some mans life miserable.

The modern practice of boys playing with dolls is completely different they pretend they are solders, or super hero's or the like but females they practice "NAGGING".

Is it some form of self destruction that they thirst for from a young age or is it simply the way that their environment teaches them is the acceptable way to act? After all they look at the older members of their sex for guidance and use them for role models so is it a mothers fault that their daughters turn out to be "NAGGERS"?

It must be an art form, because they are so practiced at it. The ability to hide the mastery they have of the art until they have trapped some poor male into a relationship can only be understood by some one who has been on the receiving end of what if it was practiced by a government would be called physiological torture.

When you first enter into a relationship with a female she has the ability to hide her mastery of this ancient and dishonorable art, but as time goes on she brings it out to achieve her own ends. Rather like a large cat all sleepy and docile until the time to pounce then the claws come out and rips the poor victim to shreds!

How can some thing so sweet and Innocent turn into such a destructive unreasonable unstoppable "NAGGER"?

I blame all of their older female parents , grandparents and siblings for perpetually teaching this art to their young sisters/ daughters.

It should be banned, like all other forms of torture!

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Honour the living

There appears to be a debate on the local radio today about is it the highest honour a person can do to die for their Country. I suppose it's because it's Remembrance Sunday this weekend.

I would say the hardest thing a human being can do is to do LIVE for his or her country after all it's far easier to die than to live.

Most of us fight from the moment we are born, tooth and nail for our family our health and our wealth.

Many times in the dark hours when my mind has been in a turmoil or when she who must be obeyed has been unwell the thought of death has been in my mind it would have been so easy to allow these thoughts to become deeds and end it all.

How much easier to take a bottle of pills than to face the hash reality that you know the next day and then one after that will bring.

But you keep going on and on, facing the treadmill of life. Knowing with a grim certainty that no matter how hard you try tomorrow will just deliver another pile of the brown smelly stuff all over you.

Some people might think that I am a depressive, I'm not. I like to think that I'm a realist.

I do wonder how we will be remembered when we are gone , will we be missed? It's one of those silly questions that we all ask ourselves sometime, that is if we are honest.

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

Thursday, November 05, 2009


Beware of people who come in peace and friendship, try and help someone and before long they will shaft you. They may not mean to but it's human nature that they will.

We are going through a major change at work, 7 organisations are joining into one, fostered onto us by our previous employers who have since left under a cloud.

So to try and help and bring a degree of common sense yours truly broke a rule of a life time and opened his big mouth and volunteered. Big mistake. Since that day my life has changed from one of the best jobs in the world into WORK.

At times it can be a challenge, but not when you receive a 77 page document that needs to be read and commented upon by the next day. Mrs Fool was not a happy bunny last night as I was Reading the bloody thing until after Ten at night.

It's the way that employers trap you into their world that gets to me, several years of a good salary and you do not want to go back to being just one the the masses. But in the end you have to pay the pipers price by actually doing some work and make decisions, ones that whilst you can you wonder if you should?

A question, I live in a small cul de sac and over the past two weeks I have found two bottles of White Cider in my back garden (empty ones).

What should I do about it?

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Rain in Cornwall

Now I know it's November but is there any need for the weather to join in with the rest of my existence and shi! All over me.

Being a smoker and working for a large public organisation it means that I'm not allowed to smoke anywhere on the property, this means I have to walk off the grounds to have a cigarette.

Which is not too bad unless it happens to be raining, now if you know Cornwall you know it rains most of the summer and let's face it all of the winter. So I have a choice, nicotine withdrawal or get soaking wet and catch another "ducking" cold.

But yesterday the rain gods excelled themselves for most of the morning the wind was at gale force to drive the rain with such force one wondered if someone was shooting at you with very small pellets.

Still such is life, after all what right do the poor have to good weather at the weekends so much better for us to be stuck inside on the little time off we get from our working lives

After all no one wants the poor to become used to enjoying their free time unless we are spending money. Which will make the rich even more money.

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Later on in the day

When I checked my main blog page I found that I had not up dated it for over a year, where has that year gone? I know I'm one hell of a lot older far more than the year that has just gone by.

In this year have I done anything that I'm proud off, no have I hell.

Have I been anywhere that I like , no way. I have been to some dark places in my mind that I once swore that I would never go again. Largely because of our wonderful government and the disgusting way they have run GB plc over the last few years.

But also the way that life in general has become such a chore, what ever happened to the young man in an old mans body that I was just a few years ago?

Time waits for no man is how the saying goes and believe me it's the truest words ever spoken or written.

With age should come wisdom, I just wish some of it rubbed of on the so called great and the good. This year we have had.

MPs caught with their noses in the public trough.

Footballers who think they are above the law.

Council bosses who get more money than the prime minister.

A ex-prime minister (who has a god complex) who's wife is building one of the biggest property empires for years, whilst he travels the world pretending to dispense wisdom to all and sundry for a price.

A national health service falling apart at the seams. Whilst we are told they are wonderful.

The thoughts from the mind of Grumpy not a place for the sane to visit.

The early morning thoughts

Why do the women who read the weather on television in the morning have to wear stiletto heels?

Not that I'm complaining, I'm all for attractive women displaying their charms to the best of their abilities.
Makes my old heart pound with an almost forgotten surge.

Is this what we the viewing public have come to expect? Thinking about it slightly further what about our television news readers, has anyone seen an ugly one lately?

Correct that, yes I have, the idiot who reads the local news on West Country, he is not only ugly but very loud as well, I have to turn the volume down when he is on.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Wow training for my future.

This is the start of my second week of training. I do wonder if people think I'm stupid. All this time when I could have learnt it in a couple of days, still the company is nice it's a whole lot better than working for a living.

It's now the end of the third week of training, I feel I would have been better off with a manual and the time to read it but hey they have a great canteen down where I've been training so who cares.

Roast chicken dinner £3.50 with all the trimings, why can out canteen not do lunches lime that. If it comes out of a freezer and goes onto a deep fat fryer that there limit.

Still all good things come to an end and it's back to reality next week. I hate sandwich's.

My day buggered up.

Well my start today was rushed when it should have been slow and steady, why just because someone else has the flu bug.
I have been suffering for three weeks now, have I stopped no not once. Does this make me a idiot or what, I was sat down in my dressing gown having breakfast when I thought I would check my works emails, only to find that the meeting I was to attend at 1030 had been canncelled.
Basicly this meant I had to rush off to work like the rest of the great unwashed.

-- Posted from my iPhone