Saturday, December 31, 2005

Hell I have become a grumpy old man.

Tomorrow is New Year’s Day, that’s the day that traditionally we make resolutions on how we are going to behave for the next year. What are my resolutions going to be?

Something boring like quitting smoking? Or something exciting like taking several holidays aboard.

Several years ago I made a promise to myself that I would never care what people thought of me and that I would never again become a
workaholic, I think I have managed to catch myself just in time on that one. I have a job which I enjoy, which pays reasonably well (no one tell PM as he’s about to get hit for another pay rise soon).

BUT and as you can see it’s a big BUT, I found myself telling my bosses how to behave, (it’s a throw back to when I could). In future they can make their own mistakes, why should I try to help them by pointing out their errors. It never makes them happy or display feelings of
gratitude, the reverse in fact.

So in
future I’m going back to the way that I want to be, untouchable, uncareing, unfeeling and totally out for myself and my family.

Well last year objectives were achieved, they mean nothing to anyone
except me. However they make me feel all warm inside and so long as I do not become an invalid or die will ensure that I have a comfortable old age.

So what have I decided?


Hell I have become a grumpy old man!


Grumpy said...

Sounds good, never tried crack. But in my younger days I tried and enjoyed the odd splif or two. Hell was it so long ago? 30 years. In this day and age I would not even know where to find it, but then again I would think you can gt hash anywhere now.

As for booze, well I preefer a good coffee.

Anonymous said...

I can do you a nice line in the 'purple one' from my huge tin of Quality Street.

Sod the lot of them at work.

Let them stew in their mistakes. Just make notes of them and gloat later.

Make sure that the pay rise is a good one, and go for an ex-gracia payment too. I'm sure you can find justification for it.
