Saturday, December 17, 2005

Trials and Tribulations

Well its one week before Christmas, the wife’s birthday is over, thank heavens for that as I have no idea what to buy her for presents.

Why is it women are so hard to buy presents for. You would think that they would be easy, you would think that you could buy them perfume, chocolate or other small items But no it doesn’t’t work quite like that.

I love my wife very much but there are times when is she is one massive problem usually at Christmas or her birthday. My problem is that they both happen in December each year.

Being a man what chance do I have?  there is no way that I can find gifts that will suit her and please her. So once again I like many men at this time of year am in trouble with she who must be obeyed.  

Wouldn’t’ it be nice if just once we could get it right and not have to face the trials and tribulations that will be heaped upon our heads over the next few days.

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