Saturday, December 31, 2005

I want to be free.

This is the first Blog that I have written using word recognition software. It's called Dragon Naturally Speaking, so far it seams a brilliant programme. However, I'm sure it will take time before I get used to it. It should, save some of my many spelling mistakes.

Just what it must seem like to the wife doing the washing up in the kitchen and me set here talking to myself, it must seem that I am off my head, which is not a surprise to anyone who knows me as most people think that I am already.

Least, the wife does, she has a grin right across her face, how sarcastic women can be without saying, anything just a look and no words can make you feel like an idiot.

Well it's been a long time since I updated this blog where the time has gone. I have no idea, but put it down to old age. Front now on, we will have to get back to normal and update this thing, almost everyday

Christmas as normal was spent with the wife’s family. I have spent it with the family (living dead), spent a fortune on people I don’t like, buying them things that they didn't want and what did I receive in return two pairs of shoes, which don't fit.

Tell me, what kind of Christmas did you have? Bet it was better than mine, every year, I say the same thing that I will not do Christmas.

In fact I’m just not sure why I put myself through this every year. Might it be that time in my life when I just want to break free? Not the freedom of running around in some distant land throwing my clothes of and screaming. No bugger that. It’s just what I do mean.

I’m fed up of being respectable and honest and nice to people.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Christmas was fantastic.
14 roastie spuds, 4 sausages with the bacon wrapped around and a mountain of chocolate. I avoided all family and spent the day with friends, playing with scalextic cars until gone midnight. that's what I call Christmas.

The Bitch