Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Un-National Health Service.

The Un-National Health Service.

Never mind the national lottery, try the National Health Lottery. Works by post code or who you know or how much money you have to pay for the free service.

What did Aneurin Bevan say, "We have been the dreamers, we have been the sufferers, now we are the builders. We enter this campaign at this general election, not merely to get rid of the Tory majority. We want the complete political extinction of the Tory Party.".

After all never mind the people who pay for your service just let them die, because as we all know dead people do not vote or write letters or complain. Now we have National Health Managers making decisions about who and when treatment should be given to patients. Not the trained medical staff.

May be the administrators of the National Health Service would like to perform some operations, there that’s a way to save money, you can imagine some white collar worker who has just told a surgeon he could not labour party
Perform any more operations this month because he was too expensive, then carrying out a few heart transplant operations himself.

Never mind you will die, it will make their figures look good and help to balance the books.

Might I be so bold to make a suggestion? Could not these good people practice their medical skill on some of the balmy politicians who come out with this crap? They have a manta, save money, meet targets, save money, and meet targets.

Well and everyone else in this country are coming to the conclusion that we might use one to. GET STUFFED, GET STUFFED.

Here in Cornwall, we are slightly backward, so are some of our surgeons. Praise be to god. One did not have waiting lists, now we all know that administrators can not stand anyone sticking out from the norm. So what do they do? Yep you guessed it. MAKE PATIENTS WAIT.

Now if this is making you feel faint, or raising your blood pressure you have two choices.

One, if you are an ex prime minister you can be admitted at once and undergo countless tests.

Or two, you can join some of the people on this list. Or you can because you are not important (unless your vote is wanted), try this approach.

Do I sound miffed or annoyed? Well I am. Not at this blatant disregard for promises made during an election, that I can live with. After all none of us are stupid enough to believe a politician.

What upsets me is that I never wanted this blog to be used for any comments about politics. It’s meant for me to let of steam about things that wind me up every day of my life. So to keep things in perspective, here I go.


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