Friday, June 13, 2008

Well blow me down with a feather

Just goes to show what happens with old age, I have not updated this blog for over a year. Hell that's a lifetime. Now I will make up for that I promise.
Still I'm happy to see that there are some misguided soles out there who have logged on and viewed the pages. Thinking about it my attitude has not changed very much.

I still think that the world has gone to hell in a hand basket (I like that saying), there is no time for anyone any more. Now I blame the government for most of the ills of my existence. Them and the faceless ones who have swallowed the "book" of rules that have been produced by politicians and taken as gospel by idiots.

Of course these rules do not apply to the exalted ones see above or any of there most obedient servants. Just the unwashed minority (the rest of us). A quick search of the Internet has produced rather a large crop of MP's who the press have alleged had their noses deep in their favorite food, the public purse trough. Now I like to put links in place for you to view these wonderful stories about our esteemed public servants but this page is just not big enough. But our friend at Google have given me a wonderful tool that I have only just discovered.

I'm going to create a web page full of links to articles about our lords and masters with their snouts in the trough so to speak. The link will follow soon I promise.

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