Saturday, June 21, 2008

Not One Of Us.

Now what idiot think that they can use a "company" credit card for personal expenditure. The Metropolitan POLICE Commander that's who.

He must or should know, that other officers in his force are under investigation for the self same thing. He would have had the finial say on their punishment, the old saying of pots and kettles springs to mind. Or rather do as I say not as I do.

How much longer do we the idiots paying for these monstrous !uck ups have to continue? From the news stories it is blatantly obvious that the man was promoted not on his abilities but to ensure the Metropolitan Police did not end up with a court case of racialism. Now I have been known to call people names! Whats wrong with the truth? Ho I forgot here in the United Kingdom we now longer have any right to the truth.

The married police chief, who had six mistresses, was also was accused of drug abuse, hiring prostitutes, spying for Iran and making a series of threatening phone calls to a former girlfriend.

He allegedly warned her: 'I will take such revenge from you that, like a dog, you will be sorry.'

Now I do not mind him threatening his former girlfriend and I do not really mind him stealing money from the people of London (they have too much as it is), what pisses me of is that he may have been cruel to a dog. If so he should be castrated, preferably with two house bricks.

'It will be interesting to see if he is treated as robustly as other officers who have been caught up in the expenses probe.' Remembering that he was at the centre of a four-year £4m investigation over allegations of perverting the course of justice and misconduct in public office.

Operation Helios, the extraordinary Scotland Yard investigation into corruption allegations made against the Iranian-born Dizaei, which emerged shortly after he had joined the Met from the Thames Valley force.

He was cleared of the charges by the Old Bailey in 2003.

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