Saturday, June 14, 2008

What the hell are they complaining about

Shell tanker drivers

Now I'm all for the rights of the working man and have never been one to side with the "Bosses". But it is not making sense to me that anyone who is basically a driver of a heavy goods vehicle could be paid £32,000 back in 1992.

That's just so plainly wrong. Its greedy. In 1992 I was working for our local bus company driving a bus carrying up to 70 people at a time and I was very lucky to get £12,000 a year working my socks off and doing overtime every day.

Lets face it if they are now on £36,000 a year they are still far better off than the majority of people they are affecting by their actions.

Just how many HGV drivers are getting anywhere near that sort of money? Not very many I bet. I consider myself to be well paid for the area of the country that I live (never tell my boss I said that) but I do not get anywhere near that amount even now.

My weekly fuel bill to get to and from work of around £30 a week. So if these money hungry sods get more then I will have to pay more, its bad enough with the politicians with there noses in the trough along with the oil companies, but who do you think will end up paying for any increase that they get, it will me and the little people like me who have no voice.

One thing is for sure our wonderful government will not tell the truth about how the strike is affecting the country, well not till its too late and then they will just flounder around like they always do. If we listen to them its all AOK and there is no reason to panic, but when I can not get to work I will not get paid! Are the tanker drivers or their union going to pay my bills or put food on the plates of the Grumpy household, no way, on £36,000 a year they will be off to the sunshine. With that much money coming in now wonder they can afford to strike and have a long weekend off!

Added on Wednesday the 18th June 2008

Sorry they have the nerve to say sorry, yea right.

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