Sunday, January 21, 2007


As usual I just noticed that I have not been updating this blog as much as I would like so its time to make another New Years Resolution. Update the blog at least once a week.

I have just been reading the uproar that is going on in the press about the "ALLEGEDLY" illegal actions of our wonderful Labour Government. Yes we all know that deep in our BRITISH soles that all politicians have their noses so deep in the trough that its a wonder that they can breath (however much we wish they could not). Do we think its wrong that the prime ministers GATEKEEPER was raided at 0600 in the morning? Lets face it shes is allegedly accused of destroying evidence, what should the police do ask her to come to the "NICK" at 0900 the next day and give her a chance to destroy even more of the wonderful electronic files that have disappeared.

Do our politicians think they are above the laws that they have inflicted upon the rest of us? Of course they do. Look at what happens once they get elected. Move to London and start acting like the prats they have unseated to get there seats in the House of Commons (that's a laugh). Once they are installed they act far from Common.

I have only one question to ask, do YOU think Teflon Tony obeyed the laws of this land since he has been in power as prime minister of the United Kingdom. If you even hesitate for one moment or there is the slightest doubt in your mind then he is not fit for purpose. Now what do you think should happen to anything that is not fit for purpose? Should it be replaced?

Poor old Goody Gordon, you have to feel sorry for him. If Teflon and his rat pack do not manage to get John Reid to replace Teflon then the country is going to be in one hell of a state when Goody gets to sit at the big trough.

Living here at Grumpy Villas far removed from the seat of power I have always wondered just what the existence of our leaders was like. Well last year I found out. I was invited to the House of Commons to attend a speech by one of our leaders. I was searched at the entrance by a policeman, then taken by a very attractive young lady to meet my betters and the leaders of our great country. I listened to the speech and the notes of gratitude that came from their mouths for using IT to solve one of their problems. Then surprise surprise we the great unwashed were told that the bar was open and we could make use of it until 1900 that evening (very kind of them).

I have to say that the RED wine that is bottled under the House Of Commons OWN label is very very nice. After all I have paid my taxes for more years than I care to count, why should I not get my nose in the trough as well!!!! Be warned that as nice as that bloody red wine is it has a kick like the mother in laws tongue. If I had my way I have to say that the best thing this government could do for the people of this country (apart from calling an election) would be to allow the great unwashed of the country to get there hands on that wine. May be it could be sold at cost through the supermarket chain of on of the Labour Party's biggest backers (Lord Sainsbury).

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