Monday, January 01, 2007

A bright new year (Bollocks).

Well that the season of good cheer and kindness to all of mankind over with for yet another year, thank god. What a load of old bollocks it all is.

Most people who know me know my attitude to the yule time period. Its almost as phony as this crap government that we have.

So that you can have a laugh at my expense, on Christmas morning I managed to fall over whilst getting out of the bath, yes a ## stone man falling onto the side of the bath handle means that I have cracked a rib. But since I live in Cornwall the emergency out of hours service provided by Serco is just not feasible.

If I went to the accident and emergency service at Treliske Hospital what would they do? Place a strap around my chest. No I will take the pain.

But one thing I did find over the Christmas period was a fantastic blog called Doctor Rant, please try it . Some of the language is a bit strong but I can live with it.

Personally I'm looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow, so that I can be paid vast amounts of money to piss people off. I really like giving people exactly what they ask for even when I know its not what they want. My favorite victim of this has left the place that I work. But I'm sure I will find another victim soon, it may be you!

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