Tuesday, January 02, 2007

First day of CRAP.

Well the first day back at work after the New Years break. The title says it all, where has all the good will to all mankind gone? I'm a man and no one has shown me any good will today. Yes they have piled up the work on my small and dainty little head. Yes its my fault some idiot save all of there paperwork with the wrong file name in the document management system, did I get any thanks when I recovered their work, did I hell.

What do you think they said, HOW DID THE SYSTEM DO THAT. Never mind that its blatantly their fault and that just swearing at the PC will not give it the instruction to save it any differ-ant than the file name THEY have given it.

I thought with the pain in my side from my swan dive in the bath things could not get any worst in the hallowed halls of the mansion "GRUMPY" just goes to show how foolish that I am. The wife has had tooth ache and believe me she has not suffered in silence. My last instruction from her before I left for work was to make her an appointment with the dentist TODAY. So at 0845 I duly telephone the dentist, raising Cain to get an emergency appointment and what do I find when she asks for my name. The wife is already there and being seen in about five minutes. Made me look a right idiot.

Now over the past few years of writing this blog I may have displayed an urge at times to pick people up and throw them out of the window or through doors, this is not my fault it their's. Or if you like my deprived upbringing. But really, the urge is there and for a sweet mild mannered person like me the urge is getting stronger. Rather like a addict I need a stronger dose each time.

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