Monday, February 06, 2006

Just how much is too much?

Just how much is too much?

You can ask yourself this question about almost anything in your life; believe me I have been for the past week.

Is the stress and strain that YOU place yourself too much, or maybe it’s the stress and strain that your partner places upon you?

Is that last sprinkle of salt you placed on your meal the one that’s going to cause you to have a bad heart?

Is the motorist you showed two fingers to going to find it too much and chase you and get you involved in a road rage incident?

Is the person that you thought you recognised the other day and smiled at, in fact a mad rapist/murderer?

Is the last thing you brought too much for your bank/ credit card account?

So is too much a negative statement? Surely not after all the very statement Too much means that you have plenty. So what do you have to complain about?

Too much time? But if you have to little does this mean that your life is at an end?

Too much money. Then you will spend your time worrying about it or trying to stop anyone else having any of it.

Too much sex? Makes you want to sleep, sweat and smell.

Too much debut, well hopefully you had fun spending what you did not have in the first place.

The moral of these questions.
I want to %£!! a certain someone but my brain will not let me. Bugger, see it’s my brain that I have too much off. Does this make me clever, or an idiot? Maybe it’s what makes me human. But I have been told I'm an unfeeling inhuman brute.

I’m so confused.

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