Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Are they serving me or am I serving them

Are they serving me or is it the other way around.

MPs have voted for a ban on smoking in all enclosed public spaces, including all pubs and clubs in England. Choose the option below which best matches your view:
The smoking ban is an infringement of civil liberties, my civil liberties.

The government believes a nationwide identity card scheme will help control immigration, fight terrorism and cut identity fraud. Opponents say the scheme will lead to more stop and searches of ethnic minorities, will cost too much and point to a history of botched government computer projects to suggest it may make identity fraud worse.
I am against compulsory ID cards - it is another step towards a Big Brother state.

The new licensing laws, which allow pubs to apply for permission to sell alcohol round the clock and which give police more powers to close down premises, have been attacked for encouraging drunken anti-social behavior. Those in favor argue that staggered closing times can reduce late night violence and help change the binge-drinking culture:
I think 24 hour drinking laws are a bad idea.

Fox hunting - a barbaric practice that should have been outlawed a long time ago or a traditional way of life that helps control a pest and harms nobody? More than a year after the ban debate still rages.
I believe fox hunting should be legalized.

Last December's conviction of a man for the murder of a City banker John Monckton was the first high profile case in which a defendant's previous bad character had been used against him in court. The change in the law allowing this was hugely controversial among lawyers.
A fair trial is not possible if the jury is told about the defendant's previous bad character.

The police have started using number plate recognition technology to track stolen cars. In future the technology could be used to for a national road pricing scheme, like London's congestion charge. The net is closing in for road tax cheats as the DVLA launches a new campaign in the South West to clamp down on drivers who fail to display a tax disc.
A new Stingray camera system is to be used to detect unlicensed vehicles on the move. The camera films the number plates of passing vehicles and, linked through a computer, checks them immediately against records at DVLA offices in Swansea
I don't want my movements tracked - whatever the alleged benefits and I certainly do not want to pay any more to use our roads.

Using a mobile phone while driving has been outlawed since 2003 in a bid to cut accidents and save lives - but research suggests up to a quarter of drivers regularly ignore the ban. .
I think the mobile ban was a good idea

Several people have been arrested outside Parliament for protesting there since doing so without permission became a criminal offence in August.
I believe the protest ban is a worrying infringement of free speech. After all are we the people there to serve the government or is the government there to carry out the wishes of the electorate?  Well all know what Teflon thinks.

Teflon has insisted his plans to reform schools in England will "get rid" of a two-tier system.


Teflon says he wants to support 'hard working families'. Michael Howard
(remember him) appointed the first Shadow Secretary of State for the Family.

Decent, affordable, social housing would make a huge difference to families, health and education. I'm fifty years old and totally disillusioned with all political parties.  I have voted Labour all my life. I'm fed up with the government blaming the poorest and most vunerable people for the ills of this nation. I would like to see politicians chasing the tax the rich don't pay as their money's in off shore islands. If the rich paid their taxes we'd save a lot more money than by persecuting the poor & disabled by continually cutting benefits. But then again are not the politicians the new rice??????

The government is to launch an initiative to get reform of the House of Lords back on the political agenda.  Lord Falconer, the lord chancellor, is expected to approach the Tories and the Lib Dems to see if a consensus can be reached on its powers and structures. In its first term, the government reduced the number of hereditary peers to 92 and further changes were expected to be made in Labour's second term.

Why, the house of Lords is there to ensure that the people of England are protected from the excesses of any government. Can it be that good old Teflon just does not like having his plans held up or stopped.

Because TEFLON that’s what they were created for.

Monday, February 20, 2006

So very true

So very true.

I received this in my email today, well it made me laugh.

Stress Management Technique
In case you've had a rough day, here is a stress management technique recommended in all the latest psychological texts.  The funny thing is that it really works.
1.    Picture yourself near a stream.
2.    Birds are softly chirping in the cool mountain air.
3.    No one but you knows your secret place.
4.    You are in total seclusion from the hectic place called "the world".
5.    The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity.
6.    Bubbles slowly float to the surface creating a gentle gurgling sound.
7.    The water is crystal clear.
8.    You can easily see the face of the person you are holding underwater.
See!! You're smiling already.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Paybacks a bitch

Payback’s a bitch’

Now I have been told that I do not update this as much as I used to. This by a know nothing who telephoned me up in a queue I was at the front off, she was at the back, to ask me to get her a sandwich.

In the words of the wise one (can I say that?) watch out the payback its a bitch.

Has anyone ever managed to get two different software companies to talk to each other and get them to tell the same story? I do not think so, I'm beginning to think that the truth would cause them to turn bright pink and die with shame. It must be that because when you catch them out in a bare faced lies they do not even say sorry. Still I have found the perfect way to get them to carry out the work they are contracted for.

I do not pay their bills, until I see the product working.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Nobel Prize for humanity

Nobel Prize for humanity

The wife has been in hospital since last Tuesday and what with work and then visiting and then washing and ironing and thinking about a meal (that's all I did think about it till last night).

Still it looks like she is on the mend, I PRAY, and believe me I do not do a lot of that.

I just think that who ever invented meals that come out of the freezer straight into the microwave should be voted for the Nobel Prize for humanity. But after a few days sweet and sour chicken just loses its appeal.

Do you in the middle of the hours of darkness sometimes let your mind wonder, and think what if?

So many things that I have done in my life and none of them ever prepare you for the trials and tribulations that come along and bite you in the arse.

Last night I woke about 2 in the morning and reach over to hug the wife and she was not there, until my sluggish (and some say thick) mind came around to remember that she was in hospital I panicked. But after that I lay there and thought.

I have the whole quilt, not just a corner of it.

I thought about what I was going to have for breakfast in the morning (eggs, sausages, and mushrooms).

I could fart in bed with no fear of retribution.

Maybe its time to enjoy life until she returns. Now I enjoy it when we are together but it might not be a bad idea for the mind to have its freedom in the middle of the night as this morning I feel a lot better and more settled.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Its Official

Its Official

I thought 2005 was bad, but 2006 sucks and that’s official……

Monday, February 06, 2006

Just how much is too much?

Just how much is too much?

You can ask yourself this question about almost anything in your life; believe me I have been for the past week.

Is the stress and strain that YOU place yourself too much, or maybe it’s the stress and strain that your partner places upon you?

Is that last sprinkle of salt you placed on your meal the one that’s going to cause you to have a bad heart?

Is the motorist you showed two fingers to going to find it too much and chase you and get you involved in a road rage incident?

Is the person that you thought you recognised the other day and smiled at, in fact a mad rapist/murderer?

Is the last thing you brought too much for your bank/ credit card account?

So is too much a negative statement? Surely not after all the very statement Too much means that you have plenty. So what do you have to complain about?

Too much time? But if you have to little does this mean that your life is at an end?

Too much money. Then you will spend your time worrying about it or trying to stop anyone else having any of it.

Too much sex? Makes you want to sleep, sweat and smell.

Too much debut, well hopefully you had fun spending what you did not have in the first place.

The moral of these questions.
I want to %£!! a certain someone but my brain will not let me. Bugger, see it’s my brain that I have too much off. Does this make me clever, or an idiot? Maybe it’s what makes me human. But I have been told I'm an unfeeling inhuman brute.

I’m so confused.

Shrinking Clothes

Shrinking Clothes.

Tell me do you ever have one of those days when all you want to do is pull someone's tongue out of their mouth to see how far it would stretch?

Well 2006, so far sucks. More and move I find myself having to sit on my temper. When all I really want to do is above (preferably several feet).

Yesterday I spent all day with my dearly beloved wife tiding up our bedroom and throwing out the crap from our wardrobes. I have been trying to get the wife to sort hers out for months, and yesterday she came up with the idea that we should both sort them out.

I'm ashamed to say that I filled up three big black plastic bags full of clothes that for some reason had shrunk in the wardrobe. Not for a minute do I want you to think that I might have put weight on mind you. How can someone as perfect as me, ever get fat or should that be FAT or even FAT.

No I'm convinced the bloody clothes have shrunk in the wardrobe.

To make matters even worst have you ever checked your cupboards? In mine I found 11 new shirts never even been taken out of the plastic wrappers, 3 new pairs of trousers, hell I even found a new parka coat. More new underpants than our local branch of ASDA has in stock and socks, well they best not be counted. Needless to say that several trip to the local recycling dump were carried out and there's even one more planned.

Writing about the dump reminded me, I live in a remote part of the country, Cornwall to be exact. So how come at 1330 on a Sunday in the deepest part of Cornwall there is a queue to the local dump stretching all the way back to the main highway?

Is it that as a nation we are becoming more aware of the issues of recycling or is it more as I suspect a case of disposing of things in the right place due to the fear of being caught fly tipping? and receiving the excessive fine that goes with getting caught.

Still I'm transgressing (must be because I'm typing this at work), back to the important things in life.

How do I take my revenge on life, taxes, the system, the wife, the girl next door, the motorist who carved me up the other day and all the other things and people who every day raise my blood pressure and annoy me.

Come on, you must have some ideas on how I can return the aggravation????????