Sunday, January 29, 2006

Crust of bread

Crust of bread.

What a week, this has been. I have just found out that the bug I had at the beginning of the month is still hanging around. The old saying is true “its not the coughing you need to worry about it’s the coffin they carry you of in”.

Work has been a right pain, I am beginning to think that SAD (seasonal affective disorder” is affecting some of my work mates. People who are normally happy and up for anything are down in the dumps and can think of no reason for it. Work colleges who are normally a pain in the arse are now unbearable.

Thank god for my well known tact and diplomacy!

Yesterday Friday, I had my day planned.

I thought go to work early and catch upon the urgent paperwork, then I can surf some of my opposites web sites (for ideas), then a couple of telephone calls to catch up on how things are in the world. Speak to the IT section and get them to sort out some of the more niggling problems that our staff face.

But catch 22 strikes again.

So I spent the morning preparing a report for one of our senior officers, knowing that he would not understand a tenth of it. Trying to explain to him just what ACCESS can and can not do. I’m sure that he thinks you just speak to the computer and it then goes away and writes the code and places it in a menu structure for you.  But in the afternoon I had to talk to him for an hour (never a pleasant experience) and explain the contents of the report. See how I suffer for my crust of bread.

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