Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sods Law.

Sods Law.

Do you ever have a day when nothing that you do appears to be correct? Well today was mine. All this week I have been fighting fires and trying to catch up on my work load. Trying to do too many things for too many people.

Reports coming out of my rear end I thought I would never catch up. Plus the added delight of trying to get some common sense out of a government sub contractor.

They produced a report (which will affect our grants, to the tune of £50,000), now the report was incorrect and the only way you can object and get them to correct it is by using their online forms.

Fine not a problem, after all I/we are sure of our case. For once we are 100% correct; they cocked up their assessment of our web site.

No problem thinks I, fill in the online objection form and they can sort it out. NO WAY, SODS LAW STRIKES AGAIN.

The online forms do not work from my email account. Catch 22 or what?

Three hours it took me last night at home not at work to work out that you MUST have the settings in your email package set for plain text only to use their bloody forms. Emails or faxes not acceptable must be the bloody forms.

But to make things complete today. I have met the most unhelpful “helpdesk” ever. I have been in contact with them since last Monday to get them to activate a bit of software on their server so that I can download information that they hold for us. All they have to do is press a mouse button but its taken them FOUR DAYS.

So if you know someone that you dislike get them to use software from Resolution Ltd. I guarantee they will become a bald grey haired little old man overnight.

Now all I have to do tomorrow is get that wonderful Microsoft product Access to work without crashing every time I run a report and I might just might consider that the week has not been a total waste.

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