Sunday, January 08, 2006

What a diet

What a diet.

To carry on from my last blog. I do not recommend this but its one hell of a way to lose 6 1/2lb in four days, find the germ infested git who infected me and get them to breath on you.

Nearly half a stone in four days that’s some weight loss.

Normally, whilst I appear to be a fat, balding middle aged bloke with no energy. Underneath I’m like the energiser bunny. Bristling with power.

But not at the moment. I have just walked to the car and driven to the local garage for the newspaper. I feel OLD. Looking in the mirror (something that can sometimes take ages, I like looking at things of beauty), I look old and feeble.

If this is what a normal dose of the flu can do to me, what chance do I stand if we get the bird flu in this country.  Thinking about it, is it possible to feel any worst than I did yesterday morning. I have to say that once the nose stopped running and the coughing stopped it was like being stoned with out the utopia that goes with it.

So I’m on the up and up. But to those who know me, they know I will never stop till I find the Bastard who gave me this and do them an equally evil deed.

I believe in doing unto others as others would do unto me, but do it first.

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