Sunday, January 07, 2007

Growing old (disgracefully).

Well I never thought that it would happen to me (all my life my secret hero has been Peter Pan), but over the last few weeks I have to acknowledge that I have been growing old. Not the mindlessness moron type of old, but the watch out that might hurt me kind of old.

It goes back to Christmas day when I fell over getting up from the bath and hurt my side. Yes go on have a bloody good laugh at my expense! Swine. Now so far I have not been to the doctor about it but I'm sure that I have cracked a rib. But with the aid of ignoring pain and my wonderful paracetamol tablets the effects have not been to bad. However I find myself taking extreme care over almost everything that I have been doing. To the extent that I even had a moan in the local supermarket about the disgusting state of their entrance. Not my fault that its raining said this spotty faced little idiot of a store manager when I brought the state of the floor and how slippery it was to his notice.

He should have used his eyes and noticed at these words my wife stepped back and tried to disappear into the crowd, at least she knew what was going to happen! Jumped up little schoolkid. Why he does not go and get a proper job is beyond me, no its not he could not hold one down that's why. However in the middle of "his" supermarket I instructed him on the Health and Safety Laws of this country and on his duty of care to ME and all of the other customers who walk into his store. It ended up with rather a large audience who when I had finished one of the smart arsed people started clapping.

But at least he got of his fat arse and got the floor mopped and dried off a bit so it was not so slippery, he tried to say that their was no cleaner in the store. To which my reply was "GO AND GET THE MOP AND DO IT YOURSELF".

So after reflection, not only am I getting very careful about what I do, I am also beginning to be a bit of an old grump! Wait on, that's what the wife and people who know me have been saying I am for years. Maybe I'm not getting old after all!!!!!!!!!

I always said that the measure of a mans age was to be judged by the women that he desires, In that case I can be anything from 15 to 60. Rock on Tommy (that's Tommy not the bloody chair you idiot).


Wra5 said...

Muy bueno saludos desde Argentina!!! :)

Grumpy said...

And greetings to you wra5 from here in wet and windy Cornwall.