Sunday, January 21, 2007


As usual I just noticed that I have not been updating this blog as much as I would like so its time to make another New Years Resolution. Update the blog at least once a week.

I have just been reading the uproar that is going on in the press about the "ALLEGEDLY" illegal actions of our wonderful Labour Government. Yes we all know that deep in our BRITISH soles that all politicians have their noses so deep in the trough that its a wonder that they can breath (however much we wish they could not). Do we think its wrong that the prime ministers GATEKEEPER was raided at 0600 in the morning? Lets face it shes is allegedly accused of destroying evidence, what should the police do ask her to come to the "NICK" at 0900 the next day and give her a chance to destroy even more of the wonderful electronic files that have disappeared.

Do our politicians think they are above the laws that they have inflicted upon the rest of us? Of course they do. Look at what happens once they get elected. Move to London and start acting like the prats they have unseated to get there seats in the House of Commons (that's a laugh). Once they are installed they act far from Common.

I have only one question to ask, do YOU think Teflon Tony obeyed the laws of this land since he has been in power as prime minister of the United Kingdom. If you even hesitate for one moment or there is the slightest doubt in your mind then he is not fit for purpose. Now what do you think should happen to anything that is not fit for purpose? Should it be replaced?

Poor old Goody Gordon, you have to feel sorry for him. If Teflon and his rat pack do not manage to get John Reid to replace Teflon then the country is going to be in one hell of a state when Goody gets to sit at the big trough.

Living here at Grumpy Villas far removed from the seat of power I have always wondered just what the existence of our leaders was like. Well last year I found out. I was invited to the House of Commons to attend a speech by one of our leaders. I was searched at the entrance by a policeman, then taken by a very attractive young lady to meet my betters and the leaders of our great country. I listened to the speech and the notes of gratitude that came from their mouths for using IT to solve one of their problems. Then surprise surprise we the great unwashed were told that the bar was open and we could make use of it until 1900 that evening (very kind of them).

I have to say that the RED wine that is bottled under the House Of Commons OWN label is very very nice. After all I have paid my taxes for more years than I care to count, why should I not get my nose in the trough as well!!!! Be warned that as nice as that bloody red wine is it has a kick like the mother in laws tongue. If I had my way I have to say that the best thing this government could do for the people of this country (apart from calling an election) would be to allow the great unwashed of the country to get there hands on that wine. May be it could be sold at cost through the supermarket chain of on of the Labour Party's biggest backers (Lord Sainsbury).

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Growing old (disgracefully).

Well I never thought that it would happen to me (all my life my secret hero has been Peter Pan), but over the last few weeks I have to acknowledge that I have been growing old. Not the mindlessness moron type of old, but the watch out that might hurt me kind of old.

It goes back to Christmas day when I fell over getting up from the bath and hurt my side. Yes go on have a bloody good laugh at my expense! Swine. Now so far I have not been to the doctor about it but I'm sure that I have cracked a rib. But with the aid of ignoring pain and my wonderful paracetamol tablets the effects have not been to bad. However I find myself taking extreme care over almost everything that I have been doing. To the extent that I even had a moan in the local supermarket about the disgusting state of their entrance. Not my fault that its raining said this spotty faced little idiot of a store manager when I brought the state of the floor and how slippery it was to his notice.

He should have used his eyes and noticed at these words my wife stepped back and tried to disappear into the crowd, at least she knew what was going to happen! Jumped up little schoolkid. Why he does not go and get a proper job is beyond me, no its not he could not hold one down that's why. However in the middle of "his" supermarket I instructed him on the Health and Safety Laws of this country and on his duty of care to ME and all of the other customers who walk into his store. It ended up with rather a large audience who when I had finished one of the smart arsed people started clapping.

But at least he got of his fat arse and got the floor mopped and dried off a bit so it was not so slippery, he tried to say that their was no cleaner in the store. To which my reply was "GO AND GET THE MOP AND DO IT YOURSELF".

So after reflection, not only am I getting very careful about what I do, I am also beginning to be a bit of an old grump! Wait on, that's what the wife and people who know me have been saying I am for years. Maybe I'm not getting old after all!!!!!!!!!

I always said that the measure of a mans age was to be judged by the women that he desires, In that case I can be anything from 15 to 60. Rock on Tommy (that's Tommy not the bloody chair you idiot).

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Advent Calander

So this is what the "WORKERS" in our registration department do all day. I did wonder!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

First day of CRAP.

Well the first day back at work after the New Years break. The title says it all, where has all the good will to all mankind gone? I'm a man and no one has shown me any good will today. Yes they have piled up the work on my small and dainty little head. Yes its my fault some idiot save all of there paperwork with the wrong file name in the document management system, did I get any thanks when I recovered their work, did I hell.

What do you think they said, HOW DID THE SYSTEM DO THAT. Never mind that its blatantly their fault and that just swearing at the PC will not give it the instruction to save it any differ-ant than the file name THEY have given it.

I thought with the pain in my side from my swan dive in the bath things could not get any worst in the hallowed halls of the mansion "GRUMPY" just goes to show how foolish that I am. The wife has had tooth ache and believe me she has not suffered in silence. My last instruction from her before I left for work was to make her an appointment with the dentist TODAY. So at 0845 I duly telephone the dentist, raising Cain to get an emergency appointment and what do I find when she asks for my name. The wife is already there and being seen in about five minutes. Made me look a right idiot.

Now over the past few years of writing this blog I may have displayed an urge at times to pick people up and throw them out of the window or through doors, this is not my fault it their's. Or if you like my deprived upbringing. But really, the urge is there and for a sweet mild mannered person like me the urge is getting stronger. Rather like a addict I need a stronger dose each time.

Monday, January 01, 2007

A bright new year (Bollocks).

Well that the season of good cheer and kindness to all of mankind over with for yet another year, thank god. What a load of old bollocks it all is.

Most people who know me know my attitude to the yule time period. Its almost as phony as this crap government that we have.

So that you can have a laugh at my expense, on Christmas morning I managed to fall over whilst getting out of the bath, yes a ## stone man falling onto the side of the bath handle means that I have cracked a rib. But since I live in Cornwall the emergency out of hours service provided by Serco is just not feasible.

If I went to the accident and emergency service at Treliske Hospital what would they do? Place a strap around my chest. No I will take the pain.

But one thing I did find over the Christmas period was a fantastic blog called Doctor Rant, please try it . Some of the language is a bit strong but I can live with it.

Personally I'm looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow, so that I can be paid vast amounts of money to piss people off. I really like giving people exactly what they ask for even when I know its not what they want. My favorite victim of this has left the place that I work. But I'm sure I will find another victim soon, it may be you!