Saturday, September 23, 2006


A British doctor said at a conference of plastic surgeons in England that Botox treatments have grown in popularity and many patients show signs of addiction

The injections, which smooth facial wrinkles, last four to six months with a year’s supply costing around £900. FOUR in TEN Botox users show signs of being addicted to it.

Doctors fear patients are demanding unnecessary jabs before Botox has worn off because they are hooked on their new look or get a buzz from the treatment.

Botox changes the physical appearance of a person’s skin or face, and that ultimately leads to improved body image. This enhances psychological well-being … It is easy to see how people could become addicted.”

I have never tried Botox but I think I have become addicted to its results; it makes women of my age smooth skinned and one hell of a lot better looking. After all I have spent years perfecting the art of woman watching. Even the wife will now point out a particularly attractive specimen. Long may that continue.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Beautiful Women and Lecherous old farts.

Britain's Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell urged organisers of London's Fashion Week on Saturday to ban "stick-thin" models from its catwalks.

I think she should butt out and keep Labours interfering spoiling government doing what it should (but is not) be doing, in case the government is not sure. It SHOULD be running the country not behaving as if it’s still in the playground at school.

People like to look at beautiful women displaying the clothes on the cat walk, if the women are stick thin then so be it. They have as much right as big fat slobs of lard to find employment. Lets face it most of our government jobs are being taken by the big fat blood sucking lard buckets.

Better they spend some time sorting out our national health service and the deliberate under funding of certain parts of the country, here in Cornwall our health service is under funded and has been for many years all because some one and I wonder who has been giving the people of Cornwall less per head for medical services than the rest of the country. Might it be because we have no Labour members of parliament in the county?

Might that be the reason why the government is trying to take the objective one money that Cornwall receives from the European Union as being one of the poorest economic regions in the EEC. After all only an idiot would think that this bunch of rabble (sorry government) did not look after its own. You only have to look at their history since they have been in power.

Hell how can they say they are running the country when all they are doing is arguing amongst themselves about who is going to stick their snout in the big trough when Teflon Tony quits, lets face it everyone in the country thinks that his cozy little agreement with Goody Gordon is a sham and Goody Gordon is going to get shafted. My personal money is on John Reid, you know the man who saved Teflon’s bacon over the invasion of Iraq. Not that I would accuse any politician of not telling the truth.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Now they know it does not work.

It has been reported in the ITWIRE and others that RFID tags can be hacked and copied with the minimum of effort and equipment. Just what is it that the major western governments find so attractive about this technology? Just look at the name of the company that has won the contract from the US government to produce these RDIF tags for their passports. Infineon, do you know what it means?

The name Infineon combines the English word "infinity" with "eon," the ancient Greek word for eternity, in an attempt to call to mind positive associations with the idea of infinity. And that’s what they want the control of the masses for infinity.

It’s not the security of the system that’s for sure, so it must be something else. Could it possibly be the control of their people? NO sane person would object to these infernal devices if they stopped terrorism or even if they helped wipe out identity theft. But they will not. So in fact it’s just another erosion of mine and your civil liberties and the freedom that our ancestors fought and died to preserve. Or so our leaders have always told us.

Let me impart a lesser known fact to you, only the poor die in wars, the rich get richer and politicians get richer still (after all have you ever seen or heard of a poor politician). Look at the great arms families of Europe.

Krupp, how many millions have perished from the products that they have made?

Beretta, have been making small arms since 1526. How many bodies have gone in the ground thanks to these weapons?

I could go on for pages and pages. But it will make no difference. We are never going to stop wars, but we can stop our governments going down this path of RDIF chips. I know I have been going on about it for years now, but have I been wrong. NO I HAVE NOT. Stop these things now before they become common place otherwise in 10/20 years time we will all have one inserted in our bodies. Then the nightmares will really begin.

Boycott shops known to use these chips.
Boycott products known to have these chips inserted in them.

Use your imagination to corrupt and defeat these inventions of an orthlian mind.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Tight Gits Telecommunications.

Here at Grumpy Towers I have spent the best part of the weekend changing my internet service providers over from British Telecom to Orange. All in the hope of saving money.

My old payments were

BT Internet 26.99

Mobile phone 25.00

Text Package 3.00

Now I only pay 30.00 for my mobile phone bill per month and get free broadband plus free telephone calls during off peak and at weekends. Free mobile calls to the wifes mobile ( that saves a fortune in its self) and a vastly increased free calls to mobile and land line numbers included in the package.

They even supply the wireless hub free of charge, so I reckon to save 25 pounds a month (nearly $50) and over a year that’s money in anyone’s book. At the same time I got my mobile telephone upgraded to a SPV M3100. Believe me it’s the bees knees, I have now had it for two weeks and the thing does all I want and more.

So if you have an orange mobile telephone in the UK you would be a fool not to take advantage of this offer. It’s in the Orange shop and it’s the RACOON animal package.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

PLANET FU*KED-UP aka EARTH! [must read!]

I have blogged this image from flickr, it just about sums up the world in this day and age.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Kozo vs. the Vending Machine

Sometimes life is just like this.