Sunday, September 10, 2006

Now they know it does not work.

It has been reported in the ITWIRE and others that RFID tags can be hacked and copied with the minimum of effort and equipment. Just what is it that the major western governments find so attractive about this technology? Just look at the name of the company that has won the contract from the US government to produce these RDIF tags for their passports. Infineon, do you know what it means?

The name Infineon combines the English word "infinity" with "eon," the ancient Greek word for eternity, in an attempt to call to mind positive associations with the idea of infinity. And that’s what they want the control of the masses for infinity.

It’s not the security of the system that’s for sure, so it must be something else. Could it possibly be the control of their people? NO sane person would object to these infernal devices if they stopped terrorism or even if they helped wipe out identity theft. But they will not. So in fact it’s just another erosion of mine and your civil liberties and the freedom that our ancestors fought and died to preserve. Or so our leaders have always told us.

Let me impart a lesser known fact to you, only the poor die in wars, the rich get richer and politicians get richer still (after all have you ever seen or heard of a poor politician). Look at the great arms families of Europe.

Krupp, how many millions have perished from the products that they have made?

Beretta, have been making small arms since 1526. How many bodies have gone in the ground thanks to these weapons?

I could go on for pages and pages. But it will make no difference. We are never going to stop wars, but we can stop our governments going down this path of RDIF chips. I know I have been going on about it for years now, but have I been wrong. NO I HAVE NOT. Stop these things now before they become common place otherwise in 10/20 years time we will all have one inserted in our bodies. Then the nightmares will really begin.

Boycott shops known to use these chips.
Boycott products known to have these chips inserted in them.

Use your imagination to corrupt and defeat these inventions of an orthlian mind.

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