Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Make them pay or else.

Why should bankers, politicians and large corporations be able to treat the ordinary people like shit?

Is it about time that we the "normal" members of the public started to fight back and stop putting up with the shi! that they keep spreading all over us?

They may well think and act like they are better than us "plebs" but they ain't they just live (very well) on our sweat and tears.

What's happened to the bankers who stole (yes I consider it stealing) when they fiddled the Libor Rates, what happened to the bankers who recklessly used our money in the banks to gamble and nearly bring the worlds monetary system to its knees. I will tell you what happened. NOTHING, THEY CARRIED ON AWARDING THEMSELVES LARGE BONUSES.

Guess who's money they used for the bonuses? OURS.

When large corporations fiddle their tax affairs, they may protest that they are not breaking the law and that they are just maximising the profits for their corporations, but what they don't pay you HAVE TO.

How many schools or hospital could be built if they paid the same as everyone else? How many social institutions have had to be shut across the world to fund their profits.

So what can the little people around the world do to fight back, well it's easy and it will terrify them.

Boycott them, stop spending your money with one of the corporations until they scream for mercy and agree to stop swindling their taxes so they pay their fair wack so you don't have to pay for them.

In these days it should be easy for a moment around the world to start by agreeing not to buy anything from Amazon until they start to pay a fair amount for their taxes. Not a promise but actual pay the money.

I hear by promise that starting from the first of January 2013 I will not buy anything from Amazon until they publicly pay their fair share of the taxes they have been avoiding for years.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Life with a hearing aid and a screeching wife.

What you may not know, no reason why you should really is that for the past few years I have been using a hearing aid.

When I was first fitted with it two years ago, I thought this is amazing I can hear people talking, I could still not use a telephone in that ear as all I got was an earful of feedback. If you think you have heard feedback from a microphone wait till you have to have a hearing aid. But the thing which has driven me around the bend for the past few years the the high pitched screech that comes from my dear wife's mouth when ever she is trying to be sarcastic.

Now Monday last the NHS fitted me with a new super duper hearing aid. The thing is amazing. Where before I had to change the program's manually (crappy little button on top of the unit). But this thing does it automatically it senses when it's in a quiet room and compensates for it, listen to music it sets its self up automatically even sets its self up for the telephone. The dam thing will even link via blue tooth to my mobile telephone.

So why is it they can not find a hearing aid that will stop that dam screeching  woman that I married. Her voice is more powerful than the most advanced  electronics.
- only you will know, is it worth bothering?

Thursday, October 04, 2012

What is Christmas these days?.

It could be that I'm not as observant as I once was, could be old age but I think it's once again this global conspiracy to turn people away from any and all traditional roots.

Do our lords and masters think that the masses will be easier to control? If they worship the great god of consumerism?

Years ago, mother started to buy presents in the new year sales for the next years Christmas presents. Apart from that then it would have to be the tally man for gifts and she would end up paying for them over the following year.
These days of instant credit and plastic no one thinks of the cost, it's just a case of sign on the dotted line and its yours at once. The first Christmas present that I can remember was a transistor radio made of Bakelite.

To call it a transistor radio well that's probably being kind. From memory it was 2 inches wide 9 inches long and about 9 inches high.

Not what we in this day and age would consider a transistor radio, these days we even build them in our watches, and mobile phones.
But I'm wondering again. It seems to get easier to let you mind wonder the older you get.

Christmas lunch was prepared by the women of the family, all of the shopping purchased, vegetables peeled and prepared along with the turkey(which was always fresh, no such thing as a freezer) but the men were the Christmas lunch chefs about the only household task they did for the year.

The women were sent to the best room, yes we had a best room, not allowed into it the rest of the year that was for posh people and visitors. There they sipped the small glasses of sherry that none if them really wanted, bottled Guinness would have been more to their tastes.

To be fair I can not remember a Christmas lunch from my youth that the food was not perfect which was amazing because the closer to eating time it became the drunker the men in the kitchen would become. Ensuring that after lunch they would leave all of the washing and cleaning to the women whilst they got on with the serious business of sleeping in the chairs.

Another thing Why do we always invite more people than there were chairs?
At Christmas you would have the family around, relatives, old people well anybody over 10 was old to me. That there was never enough chairs in the posh room, two armchairs and a two seater settee.

The chairs around the kitchen table were like Joseph's multi coloured coat, many colours and many shapes but at least we had them. Some of our neighbours had stools. If you sat on them you could get sea sick.
Do I consider that I had a deprived childhood, never thought about it before. Yes would be the answer to that question. There was never a lot to go around and what there was went down my fathers throat and into the tills of the local pubs. But that's the way he was brought up, like his father before him and his before him. No wonder its taken me 60 odd years to live down the sins of my father.

We get (the wife and I) invited to the brother in laws and his wife's home on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Not any other time of the year but we can tell not to intrude on them any other time. There used to be lots of old folk there for the "festivities" but they have all died and we are the new old folk.

Bugger me when did that happen?

- only you will know, is it worth bothering?

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

That bloody satnav

To think that an inanimate bit of plastic and glass can have a sense of humour would normally reduce me to fits of laughter. But today the bloody thing has reduced me to a quivering wreck.

I had been promising she who must be obeyed a trip to see the Blackpool lights for several years, well to tell the truth something like twenty years but who apart from her is counting?

We left the darkest parts of hobbit land (Cornwall) and ventured up country to where they don't speak the English correctly, bloody up from country gits. We expected since the ungodly do not understand my driving it might be an idea to break our journey half way.

So being all Internet smart I had booked a overnight stop at a Travel lodge at Cribs Causeway near Bristol. Big mistake most uncomfortable nights sleep in years and that's saying something. The bed was so lumpy I told the wife that if that's what they put people up in then we do not need a new one at home, I got slapped.

Well this morning we woke up both with more aches and pains than normal and muggins had to drive the rest of the way up to Blackpool. Bugger me the speed they silly buggers drive at on the motorways. Tis suicidal, it scares me and I don't mind saying I'm not looking forward to the trip home. But I am wondering.

The Satnav took us direct to the hotel that we are staying at in Blackpool, not a problem. Then this evening I thought let's a be clever, we are only here for a few days. Lets go and have a look at the lights tonight.

Great, go and see the BLACKPOOL ILLUMINATIONS, THEY ARE WELL WORTH IT. however don't rely on the bloody Satnav to get you back to the hotel it has already taken you to once.

Because the black hearted, no mothers son, bitching, moronic, shit faced bit of plastic decided it had done enough work for the day and sent us five something miles in the wrong direction.

Even after I had reset it and put the postcode in again. No, off on our travels we went again and again.

Yes in the end after a couple of complete resets it did get us back to the hotel but not in time for dinner. So we had to make do with some greasy chips.

- only you will know, is it worth bothering?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Arrogant rich boys

Are we governed by a bunch of arrogant rich public school boys from the Tory party.

Were the British public so foolish as to believe that we wouldn't get the government we voted for?

Thinking back couple of years, it becomes apparent in my memory that we really didn't have much choice people who had ruled the country for the past XE years had made a big cock up.

What on earth made the country think that the Tory party would be our saviours. Were we so disillusioned with the Labour Party? That it clouded our eyes as to what the Tory party have always considered the answers and forced the country to go through time after time.

Well this time, they have really gone to town. They have almost dismantled the public health service, what they're doing to the disabled and the elderly should be considered a crime against humanity.

In fairness to the Tories, I don't believe that any political party has the answer anywhere in the world they all appear to be muddling along praying for a miracle that secretly in their hearts they know will never come. Are they making hay whilst time permits ? Are they stealing millions from the public purse in all countries whilst they can?

Certainly in the UK, they have done more to worry, no terrify the old and the sick/disabled. How they expect the vunrable in society to survive the massive cuts that they are imposing, Is beyond the imagination of any sane and sensible person. Just wait till next year when people get to understand just what they are proposing to do to the council tax.

For the unemployed, sick and disabled will have to find 30% of the rate of council tax and the subsidy that local councils have received from the government will be set at 70% of the rate prevailing. That's before Ian Duncan Smith gets busy with his wonderful universal credit.

I wonder what excuse will be used when people start to DIE BECAUSE OF THE CUTS!

But that's all right our ruling class the rich arrogant public school boys and their mates will not be worried. Company directorships, family money and yes let's not forget TAX CUTS will ensure that the champagne still flows.

- only you will know, is it worth bothering?

Keep your head down and pray it will go away!

Have just been listening to Nick Clegg on the Andrew Marr show, when they were talking about Andrew Mitchell and his arrogant out burst to the police lady when he called her and by inflection the rest of the people in the UK , PLEBS.

Well looking at Nick it became apparent that the words leaving his mouth were not the ones he wanted to say.

Bottom line is what he was saying was Mr Mitchell will be keeping his head down and praying that the fuss will go away. That in its self is an insult to the people of the UK.

If that's the official policy of the conservative government then they are just proving that they are a bunch of arrogant rich public school boys, who are in charge of the playground!

- only you will know, is it worth bothering?

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Co-Op and a down hill path.

Well I have just been into the local Co-Op looking for something to eat for lunch. Ah thought I that looks nice a ploughman's in a box.
Please don't make the same mistake, I think that the paper box it came in would taste better.
The lettuce was dried out and tasteless, I wish the same could be said for the half a slice of cheese. If only it had been tasteless then maybe my mouth would not feel like the local sewer.
The coleslaw was OK, but the same can not be said for the apology of a pork pie. Who ever decided to call that a pork pie should at once change their job and become a politician. Because believe me after the lie that what I have just eaten should be a Pork Pie they will be a Prime Minister in a very short space of time.
- only you will know, is it worth bothering?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Window Licker ??????

George Galloway under fire again after calling Twitter user a 'window licker'

Just what or who does George Galloway think he is? What part of respect is it that he can use such a derogatory term as an insult.

Tis bad enough that members of the Conservative and Liberal parties are crucifying the disabled. Now we have Gorgeous George joining in.
Please can someone from the RESPECT PARTY explain to me how you can have this person to represent you???
I wonder what the disabled members of the "Respect Party" think to be associated with comments like that.
Why not contact the Respect Party and ask how long they want to be know as the party that has insulted the sick and disabled!

In fairness I have received this link from the respect party in answer to my email.

Monday, August 27, 2012

But for the grace of god there go you.

Why are our government determined to turn the public against the disabled? Most disabled people (yes I did say PEOPLE) would love to have the opportunities that "normal" people have.
The freedom to walk without a wheelchair or crutches, the ability to put their own food in their mouths. The opportunity to work for a living and to have the funds to lead a social life. To be able to go down a street without being marginalise by the government that is pledged to support them.
The care in the community that is non existent, this fallacy is perpetrated by a government that has deliberately turned public opinion against the most underprivileged in society.
Have a look at this blog can you read this and disagree? Not if your human. Some people if they were not born with silver spoons in their mouths would know the hardships that careers of the disabled suffer. I do wonder when was the last time that certain members of our government who have disabled family members had to struggle?
But members of our government who are millionaires still claimed DLA for their disabled family members bet they do not get called in to have a medical and then get refused.
Just think what things would be like for you if you woke up tomorrow with a body that did not work and you had to rely on benefits that the government would be continuously trying to cut or stop, to neighbours and lifetime friends who would shun you and think/say out loud that you were a waste of space a scrounger and lazy.
Have a look at this video REMEMBER IT COULD BE YOU TOMORROW.
Have a
- Posted from outer space.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The boy is back

Well what can happen in nearly a year god it's been that long since my brand of sarcastic wit has been inflicted upon the Internet. We well we can change that.