Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Life with a hearing aid and a screeching wife.

What you may not know, no reason why you should really is that for the past few years I have been using a hearing aid.

When I was first fitted with it two years ago, I thought this is amazing I can hear people talking, I could still not use a telephone in that ear as all I got was an earful of feedback. If you think you have heard feedback from a microphone wait till you have to have a hearing aid. But the thing which has driven me around the bend for the past few years the the high pitched screech that comes from my dear wife's mouth when ever she is trying to be sarcastic.

Now Monday last the NHS fitted me with a new super duper hearing aid. The thing is amazing. Where before I had to change the program's manually (crappy little button on top of the unit). But this thing does it automatically it senses when it's in a quiet room and compensates for it, listen to music it sets its self up automatically even sets its self up for the telephone. The dam thing will even link via blue tooth to my mobile telephone.

So why is it they can not find a hearing aid that will stop that dam screeching  woman that I married. Her voice is more powerful than the most advanced  electronics.
- only you will know, is it worth bothering?

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