Saturday, May 27, 2006

A joke in poor/good taste you decide.

A motorist, on his way home from work in Westminster came to a dead halt in traffic and thought to himself, "Wow, this traffic seems much worse than usual.

After a short while, he noticed a Police Officer walking towards him,between the lines of stopped cars.

He rolled down his window and asked,"Officer, what's the hold up?" The Constable replied: -

"Tony Blair is depressed, so he stopped his motorcar and is threateningto douse himself with petrol and set himself on fire.
He says no one believes his stories; about why we went to war in Iraq ,or that there is no pensions crisis, or the worsening economy, or that constant adding of stealth taxes, or that his education reforms are going to do any good, or that the health service is safe in his hands, or that immigration is under control, or that he's not George Bush's lapdog, or that his Party's proposed tax cuts won't help anyone except his wealthy friends, or that his chairmanship of the European Community hasn't just led to more power being surrendered to the French ........

So we're taking up a collection for him."

Thoughtfully, the man asks,

"How much have you got so far?"

The Officer replies,

"About one hundred and forty gallons, but a lot of people are still siphoning........"

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