Sunday, June 04, 2006

The beginning of the END is neigh.

Well it had to happen the thought police have started the process of stealing the internet from the people.

We all know that governments the world over just hate the thought of uncensored information being published by ordinary people, total with out their control. Well that’s the case at the moment (apart from China).

You may have read my comments about RFID (radio frequency identification tags), well that’s just one of the many ways that BB is trying to control us. Here in the United Kingdom the spread of closed circuit television cameras is another. But now we have something even worst.

“Last week the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee produced a draft bill to make network neutrality an explicit legal requirement in the US.”

Not an earth shattering statement you might think, but please use this link to read the full story from the BBC.

Remember they think they can fool all of the people all of the time.

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