Wednesday, October 03, 2012

That bloody satnav

To think that an inanimate bit of plastic and glass can have a sense of humour would normally reduce me to fits of laughter. But today the bloody thing has reduced me to a quivering wreck.

I had been promising she who must be obeyed a trip to see the Blackpool lights for several years, well to tell the truth something like twenty years but who apart from her is counting?

We left the darkest parts of hobbit land (Cornwall) and ventured up country to where they don't speak the English correctly, bloody up from country gits. We expected since the ungodly do not understand my driving it might be an idea to break our journey half way.

So being all Internet smart I had booked a overnight stop at a Travel lodge at Cribs Causeway near Bristol. Big mistake most uncomfortable nights sleep in years and that's saying something. The bed was so lumpy I told the wife that if that's what they put people up in then we do not need a new one at home, I got slapped.

Well this morning we woke up both with more aches and pains than normal and muggins had to drive the rest of the way up to Blackpool. Bugger me the speed they silly buggers drive at on the motorways. Tis suicidal, it scares me and I don't mind saying I'm not looking forward to the trip home. But I am wondering.

The Satnav took us direct to the hotel that we are staying at in Blackpool, not a problem. Then this evening I thought let's a be clever, we are only here for a few days. Lets go and have a look at the lights tonight.

Great, go and see the BLACKPOOL ILLUMINATIONS, THEY ARE WELL WORTH IT. however don't rely on the bloody Satnav to get you back to the hotel it has already taken you to once.

Because the black hearted, no mothers son, bitching, moronic, shit faced bit of plastic decided it had done enough work for the day and sent us five something miles in the wrong direction.

Even after I had reset it and put the postcode in again. No, off on our travels we went again and again.

Yes in the end after a couple of complete resets it did get us back to the hotel but not in time for dinner. So we had to make do with some greasy chips.

- only you will know, is it worth bothering?

1 comment:

Lesnes said...

A friend bought us a Sat Nav as a Christmas present and it works 'reasonably' well - unless we go into the City in London!!! Just when we desperately need it to take us somewhere really important - and allowing plenty of time, all the tall buildings just shut off the GPS. On thursday ( yet another trial run!) we passed the Gherkin and St Pauls about 3 times. Eventually we parked near where we wanted, then decided we would return home via Whitechapel. After ending up goodness knows where, I just typed Home in the blasted thing and we were so close to the river we just went straight over Blackfriars bridge! Straightforward map reading...ahhh... they keep doing roadworks and changing roads to one way routes...Love technology and hate technology (and I wasn't just using a Sat Nav but also an android tablet!)