Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Gone to HELL

Gone to HELL.

Allergic to the things that are part and parcel of the 21st Century.

I always say to people who are coming to visit us at home "Wear no body spray or after shave” this is to stop me getting an asthma attack, but do people listen to me, no way. I think the next uncaring bugger who does not listen will be asked to leave, maybe they will listen then.

Warning over male breast cancer

Men are dying needlessly from breast cancer because they are unaware of the symptoms or are too embarrassed to seek help, an expert on the disease says. Professor Ian Fentiman says around 250 men are diagnosed with the disease in the UK yearly - with 70 dying from it. But half of male patients are not diagnosed until their cancer is very advanced, the Guy's Hospital expert writes in an article for the Lancet. Common signs are a painless lump in the chest or an inwardly turned nipple but these can also be symptomatic of gynaecomastia - a harmless swelling under the nipple. Professor Fentiman said: "If diagnosed early enough, a man with breast cancer has between 75% - 100% chance of making a full recovery, but this can drop to as low as 30% for men with very advanced disease." He added: "The main concern is that it's just something about which most are totally ignorant. "If we look at the length of time it takes men who find a lump to go to their GP - it's about 16 months. "Men are just not thinking about it." He explained that this means that when they finally do reach hospital, their breast cancer is far advanced and the chances of survival rates are far lower.
If men shouted as much as women then maybe something would be done for us. But then again no one or nothing can be as loud as a woman who wants something.

Under-18s DNA records to continue

Police can keep storing the DNA profiles of thousands of children and young people, ministers have decided. Tory MP Grant Shapps last month pressed for the details of 24,000 under-18s never cautioned, charged or convicted to be removed from the police database. He claimed a national DNA database was being created by stealth. Police have been able to collect DNA samples and fingerprints from people they arrest for more than 20 years. And since 2001 they have been able to keep the DNA profiles even when people are not cautioned, charged or convicted.
Why, is it so important for this information to be available to the authorities? It can not possibly be to fight crime, try and get a police response to an urgent telephone call.

Non-emergency calls to cost 10p

A new hotline aimed at taking the pressure off the current 999 emergency service will cost 10p a call. The government wants people to call 101 to report vandalism, harassment, fly-tipping and other non-urgent cases. The service will be launched in Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Northumbria, Leics, Rutland, South Yorkshire and South Wales later this year. The Home Office wants to ease the workload on the 999 system which receives 10 million calls a year. A Home Office spokesperson said: "Drug-related anti-social behaviour is one of the activities that will be covered by the single non-emergency number. "But calling in any crime that requires an emergency response will still be dealt with via the 999 service." The plans were first unveiled as part of a package of wide-ranging police reforms by then Home Secretary David Blunkett in November 2004. The new service will be rolled out nationwide in 2008.

How long before renta-cop becomes the norm?

Call for free condoms in prisons
Male and female prisoners should be given free condoms as part of measures to halt the spread of HIV and hepatitis in UK jails, two charities have said. Prison healthcare is inconsistent and often sub-standard, said the Prison Reform Trust and National Aids Trust. Over half of prisons have no sexual health policy despite HIV and hepatitis C being commonplace, the survey of prison healthcare managers found. Researchers found hepatitis C levels in prisons are 20 times higher than the rate in the general public, with 9% of male inmates and 11% of women infected. And HIV rates in male prisoners are 15 times higher than those of men not in jail.
Now I can understand the need to supply the men with condoms (do not agree with it, but can understand it. Better they used bromide), but why supply the women with condoms? Am I missing something in my education? If so please will someone explain what!!!!

It all reminds me of the expression “GONE TO HELL IN A HAND BASKET”.

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